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Entries tagged with 'Filmstalker Recommends'

I Am Legend

DVD Four Stars

I Am Legend surprised a lot of people when it came to the cinema, and on Blu-ray it surprises even more, not only does it look spectacular but there's also a feeling that there's more time to take in the film and the more subtle nuance's of the story. Having...

Butcher's Hill (Sweet Tooth)

Film Five Stars

The short film Butcher's Hill was showing at Dead by Dawn 2008 and the Director was there to see our reaction, not just that but he revealed that it has already been picked up for a feature, something that filled the audience with hope for the film. We weren't disappointed...

Funny Games

Film Four Stars

I haven't seen the original Funny Games as yet, but this will make an interesting comparison for film aficionados around the world, much like the idea of seeing both Exorcist prequels. You see Michael Haneke is the director of both films, one made in Austria in 1997, and the other...

Living in Oblivion

DVD Four Stars

When I first saw the cover for Living in Oblivion I have to admit I was thinking that this wasn't going to be a pretty average film that happened to star some big names at the beginning of their careers. What struck me within minutes was how cleverly written and...

The Savages

Film Five Stars

You know I wasn't going to see this film with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney as from the outside it looked so sickly sweet. The advertising and marketing hadn't really appealed to me and the trailer made it seem more comedy and upbeat quirky modern life humour. However I...

I Am Legend

Film Four Stars

I Am Legend has been out for a little while now and one of our regular readers, spidey1703, has already reviewed the IMAX version of the film for us all. Still, I was keen to see it myself, and when I did see it I was surprised that I liked...


Film Four Stars

I was expecting big things from Rendition and I wasn't that disappointed. After all it stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon and Alan Arkin, and is directed by Gavin Hood who brought us Totsi (Filmstalker review). How could that not work? To top it all, the story...

The Kingdom

Film Five Stars

The Kingdom is a film that could be a political hot potato as it looks at a very real terrorist incident on Saudi Arabian soil against U.S. personnel and their families and the FBI pushing the Saudi officials to allow them into their country to investigate the attack and hunt...

I'm a Cyborg but that's OK

Film Five Stars

Okay, how do I begin to describe this film? I had no idea what to expect from Chan-wook Park's latest film was a bit of a mystery to me, despite having seen the trailer and read about the film early on in it's development. Let me see if I can...


Film Five Stars

I was expecting the press screening for Stardust to be rather busy but then again it was first thing on a sunday morning and you can expect there to be small audiences in the morning, with those being there sporting hangovers and tales of a few hours sleep. However this...


Film Four Stars

This film was a bit of a surprise for me. I had thought it wouldn't be as good as it turned out, wouldn't pack the punch that it did both in story and performances, but it did. The film delivered a lot in its small locations and stands up as...


Film Four Stars

I was just about to start writing this review from my notes and I thought “when did I see xXx in the festival?” then I realised, this film is about a fifteen year old girl and her relationship with her parents, her friends, and her would-be lovers. Yet it's so...

In the Shadow of the Moon

Film Five Stars

When I was a boy I loved planes and the idea of flying fighters, I was also hugely entranced by space, and I'm sure that at one point I would have wanted to be an astronaut. However I was born forty years too late and born without the ingredient that...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Ne le dis à personne (Tell No One)

Film Four Stars

Ne le dis à personne (Tell No One) is a French film directed by Guillaume Canet who, together with Philippe Lefebvre, adapted the story from the novel by Harlan Coben. The story opens eight years previously, where a group of friends are enjoying a weekend in the country. Margot and...

La habitación del niño (The Baby's Room)

Film Four Stars

This was a fascinating film made by an incredibly engaging and funny man, Álex de la Iglesia. He gave the audience a superb stand-up routine before and after the film as he talked about himself and the movie. The film borders on some ideas that would be more suited in...

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

DVD Four Stars

Tales of exorcism are perhaps one of my favourite forms of horror because they carry that terrifying thought that they might just be real. No matter what you believe, when you watch scenes of an allegedly possessed person and hear what they are capable of it's terrifying, whether you believe...


Film Five Stars

There had indeed been much hype about the film beforehand. The trailers were looking stunning and the stills amazing. Style was at the fore of the posters and pictures and the trailers and clips we'd seen were suggesting much passion and posturing. It looked epic. Then came the news of...

The Last King of Scotland

Film Five Stars

You cannot fail to have noticed the press for The Last King of Scotland and the amount of nominations the film is picking up this year. I do think that Forest Whitaker is a clear leader for the Oscar for Best Actor. So I had to see this as soon...

Smokin' Aces

Film Five Stars

There was a lot of hype about this film, not just from the numerous posters that Joe Carnahan has been leaking us from his site, but from the different trailers that we've seen. Those trailers were filled with action, stars, great lines, fast paced editing, and bags of style. The...

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...

An Inconvenient Truth

Film Five Stars

This was, by far, the best documentary of the EIFF. Not only that but I believe it should have been a contender for best film of the festival. The film shows Al Gore as you've probably never heard or seen him before, certainly for non-US residents anyway. It films him...

Air Guitar Nation

Film Five Stars

Oh lord, I've just seen the future and the future is Air. This documentary is the best film of the Edinburgh International Film Festival so far and a clear contender to win the Filmstalker EIFF Hotdog award. Air Guitar Nation is exceptionally funny. It's very self depreciating but it's also...

This Film is Not Yet Rated

Film Five Stars

I'd previously seen Kirby Dick's documentary Twist of Faith (review), and that had moved me more than just about any other film had. It is an excellent documentary, and a highly emotive one. So I was incredibly keen to see this film which had moved target onto a current hot...

Ils (Them)

Film Five Stars

This was really a preview for me of how the remake of The Eye originally by the Pang Brothers would look and feel, and if Them, or Ils if you prefer, is anything to go by then the remake is going to utterly bury the original. Ils is a lesson...

The Host (Gwoemul)

Film Five Stars

The Host is a film that had been talked about a lot during its production and the teasers and posters I'd seen to date had gotten me pretty interested. So when it was announced for the Edinburgh International Film Festival this year I had to go and see it. I...

The Flying Scotsman

Film Five Stars

I didn't actually want to see this film as it didn't catch my interest at all when I first went through the blurb from IMDB: The true story of Graeme Obree, the Champion cyclist who built his bicycle from old bits of washing machines who won his championship only to...

Twist of Faith

Film Five Stars

This is probably one of the hardest documentaries I've ever watched, it really does hit you like a punch in the face and almost from the outset. I can honestly say this film had me deep in thought, uneasy, laughing and crying, and that's what a movie should do. Unfortunately...


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