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Entries tagged with 'Scott Derrickson'

Keanu Reeves in The Day the Earth Stood Still

The remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still is set to star Keanu Reeves as the humanoid alien who arrives on Earth along with his robot protector to deliver a warning to the world, change your aggressive ways or the planet will be destroyed by the alien race. The...

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

DVD Four Stars

Tales of exorcism are perhaps one of my favourite forms of horror because they carry that terrifying thought that they might just be real. No matter what you believe, when you watch scenes of an allegedly possessed person and hear what they are capable of it's terrifying, whether you believe...

Emily Rose director on The Day The Earth Stood Still

Scott Derrickson, the man who directed the very strong The Exorcism of Emily Rose, has been signed up to direct the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. The original was made in 1951 and became a classic science fiction film, telling the story of an alien humanoid and...

Jolie and Derrickson for Earth Stood Still remake?

There are rumours about today regarding the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still remake, yes it seems to be happening as I wrote about the other week. The rumours involve one high profile actress and a well known director. According to a reliable source, which they all are...

Paradise Lost wants Craig to play Lucifer, again

Back in April of last year I talked about the possiblity of Daniel Craig appearing as the Devil alongside Ewan McGregor in a film called I, Lucifer, based on the novel by Glen Duncan. Now though he's being eyed to play the role of the Devil again, this time in...


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