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Entries tagged with 'Heath Ledger'

Batman 3 with Ledger and Catwoman

While I'm cutting back on some of the rumours on the site I really couldn't resist this one, and it comes from a site that is quite reliable when it comes to rumours. For the third Batman film not only is the word that Heath Ledger will return as Joker,...

I'm Not There teaser online

I'm Not There is the Bob Dylan film which sees six different actors take on his persona. They all express a different aspect of Dylan's music and life. The great cast includes Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Marcus Carl Franklin and Ben Whishaw. The teaser is online...

The Dark Knight teaser online in HD

After finding out about the new Dark Knight site for the Joker, and then seeing the teaser that was captured from Comic-Con, the official teaser has been released on the Joker's new website, and once again it reveals less than nothing. There are options to download this in HD, and...

Updated: Is Riddler in The Dark Knight?

I'm pulled in two directions about the new Batman film The Dark Knight, with the cast and creatives behind the first mightly impressive restart of the franchise back on board along with great new names I'm really excited, but to hear the rumour that there's another villain in the film...

Dark Knight gains Edward Nygma

The Dark Knight is without a doubt the most anticipated Hollywood film for me next year. After Batman Begins, the big hype and anticipation around it was who would now play The Joker? Then came the news that Heath Ledger was selected. I began having small doubts, until we started...

More Dark Knight set photos

The recent spy shots of Heath Ledger as the Joker on The Dark Knight set - no, not the full face ones that looked like The Crow, the ones of him outside the trailer - weren't the only ones taken that day, and the snapster behind them has strung them...

First picture of Joker from The Dark Knight?

The new face of the Joker from The Dark Knight is online. Previously there was a test shot scooped and released which many doubted was actually the Joker himself, and there could even be a question over if this is Heath Ledger or not. Well now there's another shot online,...

Stalked: First Joker photo and Damon as The Green Arrow?

Matt Damon is being rumoured to be connected with The Green Arrow way too early and there are incredibly grainy set shots of Heath Ledger as the Joker from The Dark Knight on set. Matt Damon has been rumoured to be in talks to star in the film The Green...

Poster shows Ledger as the Joker

This film poster of Heath Ledger in full Joker make up for The Dark Knight is fan art I'm positive, but it's very well put together fan art. It does look good, although I'd say it gives me more of a Burton Batman feel than anything. With the previous talk...

Ledger says Joker will be made-up

Heath Ledger has been talking about his upcoming role as The Joker in The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins (Filmstalker review). What's interesting is that earlier reports said that there wouldn't be a Joker "mask" involved (as in the made-up face), and that he would just be looking...

Paradise Lost wants Craig to play Lucifer, again

Back in April of last year I talked about the possiblity of Daniel Craig appearing as the Devil alongside Ewan McGregor in a film called I, Lucifer, based on the novel by Glen Duncan. Now though he's being eyed to play the role of the Devil again, this time in...


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