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Entries tagged with 'The Dark Knight'

Stalked: Hollyoaks star in Dark Knight, Scorsese, Douglas and Yeoh awarded

Sarah Jayne Dunn from Hollyoaks will be in The Dark Knight and various stars are receiving honours including Michelle Yeoh, Michael Douglas and Martin Scorsese. The news that Sarah Jayne Dunn is to star in The Dark Knight may not mean much to most people, but to fans of the...

No Riddler in The Dark Knight

Great news about The Dark Knight the Batman Begins sequel, there's not going to be a Riddler in the film as the rumours had been suggesting that we wrote about twice. We had thought that Anthony Michael Hall was set to play Edward Nygma, but apparently he's not. Thankfully it...

A new Batman for Justice League film?

Is Batman not going to be in the Justice League of America film, or is it just Christian Bale and we're going to see another actor playing Batman in the JLA film? I'm actually not so sure, but in a recent comment Christian Bale, who is currently playing Batman, said...

Dark Knight secrets revealed in shooting notes?

One of those insiders has come through with a surprise reveal again, and this time it might be a huge one. This is apparently the weeks shooting details for The Dark Knight, or Rory's First Kiss as it is shooting as on set. Now as usual with these things treat...

The Dark Knight footage seen

There's not that much that has been revealed at the Wizard World panel for The Dark Knight, despite Christopher and Jonathan Nolan, David Goyer, Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart and Gary Oldman all being there. However one thing was made clear, Two-Face is in the film. Now there are potential spoilers...

Dark Knight story revealed

A scooper has popped up online with some serious plot details for The Dark Knight. At first there seems to be some serious reveals, but if you take a bit of a closer look it isn't so bad, still, for those of you who want to get some spoilers in,...

Stalked: Dark Knight, Shoot 'Em Up and Sleuth footage

Trailers and clips online for Dark Knight's silly named Bat Pod, the red band trailer for Shoot 'Em Up and a totally accessible trailer for the Sleuth remake. There's more fan footage of the shooting locations for The Dark Knight and this time they've got shots of Batman racing about...

Joker campaign continues

The Joker, from The Dark Knight, really has his people working hard on his campaign with the results of his search for new members of his crew and an advert dragged behind a plane for Comic-Con giving away a nice pre-recorded message from him. The site,, which I wrote...

New Dark Knight set footage

I'm going to save you the pain of looking through this footage and cut to the chase. There are two clips online of behind the scenes activity for the filming of Dark Knight, and they are completely dull apart from a few seconds of stunt work. There are two clips...

The Dark Knight teaser online in HD

After finding out about the new Dark Knight site for the Joker, and then seeing the teaser that was captured from Comic-Con, the official teaser has been released on the Joker's new website, and once again it reveals less than nothing. There are options to download this in HD, and...

Stalked: Site updates Dark Knight and Iron Man

There are two site updates for major comic book films, who'd have guessed with Comic-Con on the go right now? The Dark Knight seems to have a new site on the go for the Joker's recruitment plan. Now this may be for actual casting and is just a clever film...

The Dark Knight teaser online

There's a teaser online for The Dark Knight captured from Comic-Con on a hand held device. So while it isn't the best quality, it is still online right now. That said, it's rubbish. Frankly I think the time could have been better spent on the film and not producing a...

Updated: Is Riddler in The Dark Knight?

I'm pulled in two directions about the new Batman film The Dark Knight, with the cast and creatives behind the first mightly impressive restart of the franchise back on board along with great new names I'm really excited, but to hear the rumour that there's another villain in the film...

Two Face revealed in Dark Knight?

Aaron Eckhart has confirmed that Two Face will be in The Dark Knight film, something we aren't that surprised about since we heard before, and guessed. Yet there's something else given away that hints at how we're likely to find out about the character. Okay so I'm sure you all...

Pictures from The Dark Knight set online

Photos have appeared showing filming underway on The Dark Knight. They show Gary Oldman in character and some of the vehicles on set. If you want to have a peek, they are on Superhero Hype....

Dark Knight gains Edward Nygma

The Dark Knight is without a doubt the most anticipated Hollywood film for me next year. After Batman Begins, the big hype and anticipation around it was who would now play The Joker? Then came the news that Heath Ledger was selected. I began having small doubts, until we started...

Stalked: Jackson in Iron Man and Murphy in Dark Knight

A couple of superhero casting titbits. First there's a returning character to the Batman universe in The Dark Knight that we'd heard rumours of but now this seems like confirmation, and there's a new character in Iron Man that seems to be lining up for one of the big ensemble...

Dead Zone star in Dark Knight

So Anthony Michael Hall has joined The Dark Knight, in a rather unusual casting announcement. Although nothing more can be given away about what role he's playing, it does seem a strange choice. Anthony Michael Hall is best known to me for The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles and Weird Science,...

Joker's face revealed in The Dark Knight

The advertising campaign for The Dark Knight has been kicking into high gear as we see our first glimpses of Harvey Dent and of how The Joker is going to look. You can see a small image of the Joker here, but to really see what his face it about...

Stalked: Dark Knight, Mutant Chronicles sites live

Thanks to Ramchandra for the reminder that the official site for The Dark Knight is live, and there's also news today that the official site for The Mutant Chronicles has appeared online too. The Dark Knight goes live with a nice logo and not much else. While The Mutant Chronicles,...

Stalked: Hartnett in Hong Kong Rain, Roberts confirms Dark Knight

Josh Hartnett is set to star in an interesting sounding I Come WIth the Rain, and Eric Roberts has confirmed his role in The Dark Knight. Josh Hartnett is starring in a film called I Come WIth the Rain playing a private detective who is haunted by a past encounter...

More Dark Knight set photos

The recent spy shots of Heath Ledger as the Joker on The Dark Knight set - no, not the full face ones that looked like The Crow, the ones of him outside the trailer - weren't the only ones taken that day, and the snapster behind them has strung them...

Stalked: Kilmer in Columbus Day and Roberts in Dark Knight

Val Kilmer joins Columbus Day heist film as the semi-bad guy, and Eric Roberts has just joined The Dark Knight. Val Kilmer, Wilmer Valderrama and Marg Helgenberger have joined the film Columbus Day, produced by Kevin Spacey's company Trigger Street Productions. The Hollywood Reporter through Moviehole have the plot outline:...

First picture of Joker from The Dark Knight?

The new face of the Joker from The Dark Knight is online. Previously there was a test shot scooped and released which many doubted was actually the Joker himself, and there could even be a question over if this is Heath Ledger or not. Well now there's another shot online,...

Stalked: First Joker photo and Damon as The Green Arrow?

Matt Damon is being rumoured to be connected with The Green Arrow way too early and there are incredibly grainy set shots of Heath Ledger as the Joker from The Dark Knight on set. Matt Damon has been rumoured to be in talks to star in the film The Green...

Poster shows Ledger as the Joker

This film poster of Heath Ledger in full Joker make up for The Dark Knight is fan art I'm positive, but it's very well put together fan art. It does look good, although I'd say it gives me more of a Burton Batman feel than anything. With the previous talk...

Will The Dark Knight feature Two Face?

David S. Goyer has been talking about the Batman Begins (Filmstalker review) sequel The Dark Knight and whether or not the character of Two Face is in the film. Now for those of you who really don't know who the alter ego of Two Face is, I suggest you stop...

Stalked: Dark Knight in UK and tons of casting

Dark Knight in England, Prinze Jr. creates Manslaughter, Rip Torn in August and cast announcements for Pathology. The Dark Knight is reportedly filming in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire and at Leavesden Studios. The short announcement comes from ScreenEast through SuperherpHype. If anyone is in the area, let us know what's going...

Ledger says Joker will be made-up

Heath Ledger has been talking about his upcoming role as The Joker in The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins (Filmstalker review). What's interesting is that earlier reports said that there wouldn't be a Joker "mask" involved (as in the made-up face), and that he would just be looking...

Stalked: Dale not in Dark Knight and Johnson in Prey

Two Australian soap Neighbours related stories. The first is the addressing of the rumour that Alan Dale is going to star in The Dark Knight, as well as news of Natalie Bassingthwaighte, another ex-Neighbours star and now singer with Rogue Traders, appearing on film. The rumour could well be dead...

Stalked: Dale for Dark Knight and Sabertooth for Wolverine?

Is Sabertooth in Wolverine prequel and an ex Neighbours, 24, O.C., Lost and Ugly Betty star in The Dark Knight? Alan Dale might well be starring as another bad guy in The Dark Knight. According to rumours from Batman on Film through Obsessed With Film, the ex Neighbours, 24, O.C.,...

Dark Knight plot and casting rumours

There's a couple of The Dark Knight rumours going around regarding casting and the plot line. Two totally unlikely names are apparently going to receive small roles in the film and the plot of the film could well be based on a famous Joker comic. The Joker's Five-Way Revenge! is...

Stalked: Dark Knight casting, Ladies Detective Agency and Zodiac reviews

Gyllenhaal almost signed for Dark Knight, Minghella brings Ladies Detective Agency to the screen and Zodiac reviews are afoot. Maggie Gyllenhaal is apparently in final negotiations to take over from Katie Holmes in the The Dark Knight, the Batman Begins (Filmstalker review) sequel. She'll play the part of Rachel Dawes,...

Eckhart reveals Dent Dark Knight details

Aaron Eckhart has been talking about his role as Harvey Dent and he's revealed a little information about his character's future in The Dark Knight. Now beware, you may consider there spoilers ahead if you don't know much about the Batman story, and in particular the story of Harvey Dent....

Aaron Eckhart is Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight

Well one Dark Knight rumour can be put to bed, Harvey Dent is officially cast, it is Aaron Eckhart as we carried back at the start of the month. The announcement comes from Variety and makes way for the next announcement, oh please let it come quickly, I want to...

Gyllenhaal replaces Holmes in The Dark Knight?

There's a rumour going around that Maggie Gyllenhaal is set to replace Katie Holmes in The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins (Filmstalker review). Now I know there are rumours galore about all this and it's hard to keep abreast of the latest one, but this seems to be...

Stalked: Spies Like Us, Kingdom, Dark Knight, Pulse, Feast

The trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom is in Quicktime format and it is looking superb, there's news on the rumours of Jamie Foxx and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight, Spies Like Us is heading for a remake while Pulse is heading for two sequels. The...

Latest Dark Knight casting rumours

Oh I'm getting bored of The Dark Knight rumours, are you? Well here's the latest for the Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes roles, Aaron Eckhart and Maggie Gyllenhaal. First up Gyllenhaal is supposedly in the running alongside Rachel McAdams whom I wrote about the other day, and Eckhart has supposedly...

Latest rumour for Dark Knight cast

According to all sources (start singing ladies) there's another actress in the running for the Batman Begins (Filmstalker review) sequel The Dark Knight. These films probably have the most contested roles in acting history, well in the rumour mill at least, it seems there's a new one coming out each...

McAdams replacing Holmes in Dark Knight?

Previously on Filmstalker..beep..beep..beep..I talked about the rumour that Katie Holmes role was being recast for Batman Begins, now a rumour appears online that Rachel McAdams might be taking the part. According to the rumour from through, she is in negotiations for hte role. Now just bear in mind...

Holmes recast for The Dark Knight

Rumour has it that Katie Holmes is out of the Batman Begins (Filmstalker review) sequel, The Dark Knight, although her character remains and will be recast. However, she's obviously made a superb career move as she signs up to the British comedy remake that I previously wrote about called Mad...


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