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Entries tagged with 'Maggie Gyllenhaal'

Stalked: Michael Imperioli,Sam Mendes, Wachowski Brothers

Michael Imperioli is to make his directing debut. Sam Mendes is swaping Toni Collette for Maggie Gyllenhaal. And the Wachowski Brothers have added a new cast member to Ninja Assassin...

Stalked: Lone Ranger, Asian horror remake, Radha Mitchell, Maria Bello

The Lone Ranger has the Caribbean Pirate writers… Another Asian horror film remade... Radha Mithcell joins Bruce Willis in The Surrogates... Maria Bello replaces Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee......

Reeves, Gyllenhaal, Arkin, Belluci in Private Lives of Pippa Lee

The Private Lives of Pippa Lee has just gained a big cast list, Keanu Reeves, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Alan Arkin and Monica Bellucci, and what's more it comes from the pen of one of the famous Miller family, the daughter of Arthur Miller, writer/director Rebecca Miller. However that's where the excitement...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Stalked: Dark Knight casting, Ladies Detective Agency and Zodiac reviews

Gyllenhaal almost signed for Dark Knight, Minghella brings Ladies Detective Agency to the screen and Zodiac reviews are afoot. Maggie Gyllenhaal is apparently in final negotiations to take over from Katie Holmes in the The Dark Knight, the Batman Begins (Filmstalker review) sequel. She'll play the part of Rachel Dawes,...

Gyllenhaal replaces Holmes in The Dark Knight?

There's a rumour going around that Maggie Gyllenhaal is set to replace Katie Holmes in The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins (Filmstalker review). Now I know there are rumours galore about all this and it's hard to keep abreast of the latest one, but this seems to be...

Latest Dark Knight casting rumours

Oh I'm getting bored of The Dark Knight rumours, are you? Well here's the latest for the Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes roles, Aaron Eckhart and Maggie Gyllenhaal. First up Gyllenhaal is supposedly in the running alongside Rachel McAdams whom I wrote about the other day, and Eckhart has supposedly...


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