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Entries tagged with 'Bob Hoskins'


Film Three Stars

I loved Dog Soldiers and I loved The Descent (Filmstalker review), both Neil Marshall creations and both excellent fun films filled with great characters and well written and real dialogue. So hearing that Doomsday was on the timetable for the Dead by Dawn Horror Film Festival this year had me...

Doomsday trailer online

Awesome, gorgeous, sexy, and dark...and that's just Rhona Mitra. I wasn't really sure what to expect from the Neil Marshall trailer for Doomsday, but I think everything I wanted and more was just delivered. Forget the Star Trek and Cloverfield hype for the moment and strap yourself into the trailer...

Oldman in A Christmas Carol

Gary Oldman is apparently going to be in the next production of A Christmas Carol according to a rumour on the Interflab. The next Christmas Carol is a Robert Zemeckis version that will use...yes you guessed it, more of his unnecessary and very creepy motion capture technique....


Film Four Stars

To begin with I was rather worried about Sparkle, I knew it was a British romantic comedy so when the opening minutes made me think of a typical British soap episode, I thought this was going to turn out to be bad. However that sitcom feeling all but disappears within...

Hoskins slams Super Mario Directors

Bob Hoskins has come out guns blazing about that long past embarrassment of a film Super Mario Bros. He's extremely harsh about the film and in particular the Directors. This film was perhaps the forerunner of the practice of Hollywood to adapt videogames into disastrous films, and it didn't help...

Carrey and Hoskins in CGI Christmas Carol

Jim Carrey is joining Bob Hoskins to appear in Robert Zemeckis' version of A Christmas Carol, and the word is that it'll be filmed in Zemeckis' motion capture style. Robert Zemeckis is currently using that motion capture style in his huge starrer Beowulf, and in the film Polar Express. Creepy...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Clips for Argento, Madsen, Dafoe, Hoskins in Boarding Gate and Go-Go Tales

There are a couple of clips for two films I hadn't heard of until today, films that have a few good names attached to them too. The first is Boarding Gate starring Asia Argento and Michael Madsen which tells the story of an Italian woman living in London that has...


Film Three Stars

Outlaw is the next film from Nick Love, following on from his well received eighties British gangster's abroad film The Business (Filmstalker review to come). The film sees a soldier returning from active duty abroad disillusioned with the life offered to him in Britain, the lack of respect, how lawless...

Hoskins and Pertwee in Marshall's Doomsday

The cracking Bob Hoskins has been announced as joining the gorgeous ex-Tomb Raider Rhona Mitra in Neil Marshall's latest film Doomsday. I'm a huge fan of Marshall's already, his scripting and direction is so natural and fun to watch, and he's shown that he can really master a genre with...


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