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Entries tagged with 'Nick Nolte'

Tropic Thunder HD trailer surprises

The trailer for Tropic Thunder has arrived and it's also in high definition. The film is Ben Stiller's latest comedy, and one that I think might just break his run of “same as before” comedy films. One thing is for sure I laughed much more than I have with previous...

Tropic Thunder teaser trailer

Here's a tiny trailer in all senses of the word, and one that needs to be watched a couple of times because there's so much crammed into that tiny screen. Tropic Thunder is the latest comedy starring a big name cast of Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr., Nick Nolte, Tobey...

Chicago 10 trailer online

Before Steven Spielberg gets to tackle the subject, there's already a film on the go about the men who were arrested for inciting riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention and who were found guilty but eventually cleared of all charges on appeal, and the trailer is online. The film is...

Cruise to appear in Tropic Thunder?

This is probably one to file under rumour mill but you never know. It seems Tom Cruise may have some kind of role in Tropic Thunder. The film stars Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr and Nick Nolte. The plot follows a bunch of actors who are...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Update: Stalked: World of Warcraft and Diablo films, Wilson and Owen in Tropic Thunder and Jacquou le Croquant trailer

Owen Wilson and Nick Nolte join Tropic Thunder, Diablo and World of Warcraft are set to get a film treatment, and the trailer for the French film Jacquou le Croquant looks glorious. Owen Wilson and Nick Nolte have joined the film Tropic Thunder, this is the film directed by Ben...


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