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Entries tagged with 'Wes Craven'

Stalked: Keaton and Martin, Hopper Jr., Jason casting

Another name is linked with the casting of Jason in Friday the 13th... Diane Keaton and Steve Martin are acting together again... Dennis Hopper's son is starring in Wes Craven's new horror......

Wes Craven returns with 25/8

Wes Craven has returned to our screens with remakes galore, and writing the screenplay for Pulse as well as writing and directing a Paris, je t'aime (Filmstalker review) segment, Red Eye and Cursed. However he's still not been hitting the highs of Elm Street. News came through yesterday though that...

Craven's Last House on the Left remake cast

Wes Craven has a number of films being remade at the moment, not just A Nightmare on Elm Street, and none of them really hold much hope for me personally. The Last House on the Left is an early Wes Craven film that hasn't had much press since the announcement...

Nightmare on Elm Street remake

Although Robert Englund, the original Freddy Krueger in film, has talked about it many times before, the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise has never come back to life. Until now. New Line are the ones to pick up the banner and move forward, and with a choice that's been typically...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Craven's Last House on the Left gains writer/director

The remake of Wes Craven's The Last House on the Left seems to be going ahead well as we hear that a Writer and Director have been signed up. Currently finalising a deal are Dennis Iliadis to direct and Adam Alleca to write the remake of Wes Craven's classic The...

Hills Have Eyes 2 trailer online

The trailer for The Hills Have Eyes II is now online. Previously we saw the very cool teaser, yet it didn't feature any film footage. Now we can see what the film is all about, and I'm interested. I had thought a sequel was going to be rubbish quite frankly....


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