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Entries tagged with 'Gus Van Sant'

Stalked: Casting for Tekken, Wonder Woman, Orson Welles, Milk

There's a list of casting updates for various films over the last couple of days. There's the new Tekken film that has some surprise announcements in the cast, there's a confirmation from the woman that has the role of Wonder Woman in the Justice League of America film (maybe), a...

UK Secret Cinema's first showing

The first showing for Secret Cinema, which I wrote about just before Xmas, went ahead as planned and seemed to be a huge success. People arrived at the meeting point not knowing where they were going or what they were going to see, but all was soon revealed....

Van Sant beats Singer in Milk race

Milk and The Mayor of Castro Street are both biographical films of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to office in San Francisco in 1977. The following year he was murdered by the City Supervisor Dan White who also killed Mayor George Moscone. Gus Van Sant...

Penn and Damon on Milk biographical film

Both Sean Penn and Matt Damon have been signed up to play leads in the Gus Van Sant film of the 1970's San Francisco politician Harvey Milk. Although it seems that Sean Penn is a definite for the film, with an uncertain start date Matt Damon may not be able...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Van Sant directs Wolfe's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Gus Van Sant is set to direct Tom Wolfe's novel The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test ( / with Lance Black adapting the novel to a script. The story is described as one of the most compelling and accurate looks at the sixties through the eyes of the author and...

Stalked: John McTiernan, Private Benjamin, Carnahan competition, Kirdby Dick, Saw IV and more

I'm going to bundle a whole list of film stories together for you, mainly because I didn't have the time to write them up fully as they appeared. There's news about new productions such as Tester, Taildiggers, High Stakes, the life of the Mad magazine creator, Kirby Dick's new documentary,...


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