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Entries tagged with 'Joe Carnahan'

Killing Pablo to get made?

Killing Pablo is a film that has been on the go for some time and has never quite made it to production. The story comes from a book by Mark Bowden about the true story of the Colombian gangster who was brought down along with his gang by the drug...

You can title Smokin' Aces prequel

Joe Carnahan announced that there was going to be a prequel for Smokin' Aces a little while ago, now he's come up with a cracker of a contest, he's allowing you to pick a title for the film. Yes, you can choose a title for the Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review)...

Stalked: John McTiernan, Private Benjamin, Carnahan competition, Kirdby Dick, Saw IV and more

I'm going to bundle a whole list of film stories together for you, mainly because I didn't have the time to write them up fully as they appeared. There's news about new productions such as Tester, Taildiggers, High Stakes, the life of the Mad magazine creator, Kirby Dick's new documentary,...

Witherspoon on Midnight, the Bunny Lake killer

Is this the film that Reese Witherspoon dropped out of Bunny Lake is Missing for? She's just been announced as signing up for a remake of a 1939 comedy called Midnight. The upside of this is that it is being written, and possibly directed, by Michael Arndt. The announcement comes...

Carnahan talks Smokin’ Aces DVD prequel

Joe Carnahan has been talking about the prequel for Smokin' Aces and it seems that he and the "Nigerians", as he calls the filmmakers who are going to be taking on board the film, have come up with a story for the film, a politically topical story, and with the...

Smokin' Aces prequel

Joe Carnahan has revealed that he will be making a direct to DVD prequel for Smokin' Aces, and that despite his reluctance he thinks it's a great idea. Universal asked him if he would be interested, presumably off the back of the high DVD figures, and Carnahan hints at a...

Bateman and Carnahan in revenge business

Joe Carnahan is writing another script before he begins production on White Jazz, The Remarkable Fellows. Described as an action buddy comedy, it has already been bought by Universal and he is set to direct. The story is about two brothers who take over the faily business, a business which...

Carnahan talks of his Mission: Impossible III

Apart from poor Joe Carnahan having his house broken into the other day, he's also angry about his never made it version of Mission: Impossible III which he says would have been much, much better than the J.J. Abrams version, and he might just be right. Carnahan invested fifteen months...

Carnahan talks Witherspoon and Bunny Lake

Joe Carnahan has spoken out on his blog about the recent news that Reese Witherspoon dropped out of his film Bunny Lake is Missing at a very late stage, and once again he's angry at the press and wants to put a few things straight. Turns out that there wasn't...

Witherspoon dumps Carnahan's Bunny Lake

Reese Witherspoon has dropped out of the intriguing film from Joe Carnahan, Bunny Lake is Missing, extremely close to the start of shooting, leaving the production searching for a new lead as quickly as possible. There are no reasons given, and no official explanation is forthcoming as yet, but you...

L.A. Confidential 2 versus White Jazz

Joe Carnahan has just written about the LA Confidential 2 film on his blog, the sequel to L.A. Confidential. No, not White Jazz, the film he is directing from his brother's script, Matthew Michael Carnahan. No, these are two very different films despite having the same characters. Okay, I'm confused...

Joe Carnahan has seen The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

There was some concern earlier in the week about the lack of word on the film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. I can't remember who was saying it, but there was concern that the film had been in editing and post production for about a...

Smokin' Aces beats Epic Movie

Joe Carnahan has just broken the news on how well Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review) has done over in the US, and it's good, not only that but revised figures have come through on the battle with Epic Movie, and Joe's rather happy. "14.5 million on 2200 screens...Apparently, the folks over...

Smokin' Aces

Film Five Stars

There was a lot of hype about this film, not just from the numerous posters that Joe Carnahan has been leaking us from his site, but from the different trailers that we've seen. Those trailers were filled with action, stars, great lines, fast paced editing, and bags of style. The...


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