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Entries tagged with 'Jason Bateman'

The Kingdom

Film Five Stars

The Kingdom is a film that could be a political hot potato as it looks at a very real terrorist incident on Saudi Arabian soil against U.S. personnel and their families and the FBI pushing the Saudi officials to allow them into their country to investigate the attack and hunt...

Bateman joins State of Play

Jason Bateman has joined the American remake of the British television series State of Play alongside Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. Kevin Macdonald, The Last King of Scotland (Filmstalker review), is directing the adaptation of the political thriller that follows a newspaper investigation of the murder of a congressman's girlfriend,...

Will Smith on the set of John Hancock

Filmstalker recently brought you the news that superhero film Tonight, He Comes had changed names to John Hancock. The latest news from this film, sees the first pictures of Will Smith in character on the set. The film is directed by Peter Berg, and stars Will Smith, Charlize Theron and...

The Hunting Party and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium trailers online

There are trailers online for the Richard Gere starrer Hunting Party, formerly known as Spring Break in Bosnia, as well as a trailer for Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium starring Natalie Portman and Dustin Hoffman. The Hunting Party stars Richard Gere, Terrence Howard, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Kruger and James Brolin in...

Tonight, He Comes gets name change

Tonight, He Comes, the title of the superhero film from Peter Berg featuring Will Smith, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman has had a name change, and it's stunning. Instead of Tonight, He Comes, the film will now be called John Hancock. What is that all about? Now if it was...

Bateman and Carnahan in revenge business

Joe Carnahan is writing another script before he begins production on White Jazz, The Remarkable Fellows. Described as an action buddy comedy, it has already been bought by Universal and he is set to direct. The story is about two brothers who take over the faily business, a business which...

Berg's The Kingdom new trailer online

There's a new trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom online, and it looks superb. This trailer gives a little more away of the story, no spoilers, but plenty to hook you in, and the whole thing looks superbly filmed, and filled with suspense. I was on the edge of my...

Welling as third Teen Wolf?

Tom Welling, you know the young Superman on telly, is apparently about to make a pretty weird career choice and star in a new Teen Wolf film. Yes, apparently they're making another Teen Wolf film. According to some hefty rumours, location scouts have been going round Canadian schools looking for...

Bateman joins Garner for Juno

After seeing Jason Bateman in Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review) and seeing some of his upcoming serious work I find myself wondering why he and Jennifer Garner are teaming up in a dull sounding coming of age comedy. The film is called Juno and tells the story of the aforementioned Juno,...

Smokin' Aces

Film Five Stars

There was a lot of hype about this film, not just from the numerous posters that Joe Carnahan has been leaking us from his site, but from the different trailers that we've seen. Those trailers were filled with action, stars, great lines, fast paced editing, and bags of style. The...


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