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Entries tagged with 'The Kingdom'

The Kingdom

Film Five Stars

The Kingdom is a film that could be a political hot potato as it looks at a very real terrorist incident on Saudi Arabian soil against U.S. personnel and their families and the FBI pushing the Saudi officials to allow them into their country to investigate the attack and hunt...

First four minutes of The Kingdom online

The first four minutes of Peter Berg's The Kingdom have appeared online and can be seen through Filmstalker. The film stars a host of talent and tells the story of a terrorist attack on a U.S. base and on U.S. personnel which results in an FBI team heading to Saudi...

Stalked: Resident Evil and Kingdom featurettes

There are two featurettes online for The Kingdom and Resident Evil: Extinction. While we've seen most of the latter already it is sitting at seven minutes running time, and The Kingdom featurette has some behind the scenes footage of the cast weapon training for the film. You can see the...

The Kingdom clips online

Despite missing The Kingdom at the Edinburgh International Film Festival I'm not that bitter. However the next best thing before seeing the film on screen is to catch a few clips of it online, and that's what you can do right now. There are some fourteen clips online for the...

The Kingdom new HD trailer online

There's a new high-definition trailer for The Kingdom online, the film that sees a group of U.S. Agents head to a country in the Middle East to try and uncover the plot behind the bombing of a U.S. base there. Not only do they face the cultural and political difficulties,...

The Kingdom review online

The Kingdom has received a good and very early review online. It seems that the film is a balanced and very real look at terrorism as well as providing strong and believable characters for Americans and Arabs alike. If you can read through some of the shock tactics of the...

Berg's The Kingdom new trailer online

There's a new trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom online, and it looks superb. This trailer gives a little more away of the story, no spoilers, but plenty to hook you in, and the whole thing looks superbly filmed, and filled with suspense. I was on the edge of my...

Stalked: Spies Like Us, Kingdom, Dark Knight, Pulse, Feast

The trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom is in Quicktime format and it is looking superb, there's news on the rumours of Jamie Foxx and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight, Spies Like Us is heading for a remake while Pulse is heading for two sequels. The...


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