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Entries tagged with 'Peter Berg'

Berg directs Getty kidnapping

According to reports today, Peter Berg's next film after The Kingdom (Filmstalker review), Hancock, The Mission and perhaps even Bran Mak Morn is set to be about the kidnapping of the oil heir John Paul Getty III. The film will be based on the book Painfully Rich: The Outrageous Fortune...

The Kingdom

Film Five Stars

The Kingdom is a film that could be a political hot potato as it looks at a very real terrorist incident on Saudi Arabian soil against U.S. personnel and their families and the FBI pushing the Saudi officials to allow them into their country to investigate the attack and hunt...

First four minutes of The Kingdom online

The first four minutes of Peter Berg's The Kingdom have appeared online and can be seen through Filmstalker. The film stars a host of talent and tells the story of a terrorist attack on a U.S. base and on U.S. personnel which results in an FBI team heading to Saudi...

Lions for Lambs trailer in multiple formats

I've just received links to the Lions for Lambs trailer in multiple sizes and formats and I thought I'd share them. Lions for Lambs is the film written by Matthew Michael Carnahan and directed by Robert Redford who also stars alonside Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, Peter Berg, Michael Peña and...

Hancock set photo reveals plot twist

Hancock is the film from Peter Berg that sees Will Smith as a Superhero struggling with alcoholism and trying to court the married woman of Charlize Theron, all the while a PR Consultant has been hired to revamp his image. Sounds interesting, and then the killer shot I just saw...

The Kingdom clips online

Despite missing The Kingdom at the Edinburgh International Film Festival I'm not that bitter. However the next best thing before seeing the film on screen is to catch a few clips of it online, and that's what you can do right now. There are some fourteen clips online for the...

Berg Directs Navy Seal sole survivor

Peter Berg is a cracking actor but an even better Director, and his upcoming The Kingdom is set to prove that from all accounts. The latest project he's been attached to is called Lone Survivor and is based on the story of a Navy Seal who was the sole survivor...

The Kingdom review online

The Kingdom has received a good and very early review online. It seems that the film is a balanced and very real look at terrorism as well as providing strong and believable characters for Americans and Arabs alike. If you can read through some of the shock tactics of the...

Will Smith on the set of John Hancock

Filmstalker recently brought you the news that superhero film Tonight, He Comes had changed names to John Hancock. The latest news from this film, sees the first pictures of Will Smith in character on the set. The film is directed by Peter Berg, and stars Will Smith, Charlize Theron and...

The Losers script review online

I've just bought edition one of The Losers comic series to find out what the excitement is for this film treatment, and although I've yet to read it I've just found a script review online for the Peter Berg adaptation of the Andy Diggle comic. Of course now Peter Berg...

Tonight, He Comes gets name change

Tonight, He Comes, the title of the superhero film from Peter Berg featuring Will Smith, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman has had a name change, and it's stunning. Instead of Tonight, He Comes, the film will now be called John Hancock. What is that all about? Now if it was...

The Losers gains Director, loses a lot

When I first heard the story of the graphic novel The Losers I was interested, in fact I've added them to my wishlist because the story sounds so strong. With the announcement of the film adaptation I was more excited, this could make a great film, dark, intelligent, looking at...

Berg's The Kingdom new trailer online

There's a new trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom online, and it looks superb. This trailer gives a little more away of the story, no spoilers, but plenty to hook you in, and the whole thing looks superbly filmed, and filled with suspense. I was on the edge of my...

McG gains the Losers from Berg

McG, the man with the silly name but the talent for directing action sequences, has just taken over the reigns of The Losers, a comic book adaptation that Peter Berg was set to direct but for some reason has backed away from. The Losers is a simple story, a team...


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