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Entries tagged with 'Meryl Streep'

Lions for Lambs trailer in multiple formats

I've just received links to the Lions for Lambs trailer in multiple sizes and formats and I thought I'd share them. Lions for Lambs is the film written by Matthew Michael Carnahan and directed by Robert Redford who also stars alonside Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, Peter Berg, Michael Peña and...

Evening trailer with amazing female talent

The trailer for Evening is here in various formats and sizes and I was amazed at how easily it touched me. More than that I was struck by the sheer weight of talent in the film. Evening is adapted from the Susan Minot novel ( / and is directed...

Rendition trailer online

The trailer for Rendition is online, and it addresses quite a number of dark issues in America and Britain right now, mainly the transportation illegal deportation of human beings to countries that have laws that allow their rights to be bent and for them to be tortured and interrogated. The...

Lions For Lambs trailer

Lions For Lambs has a trailer that we can all watch now. Filmstalker brought you the first trailer which was not for the eyes of those outside the USA. But now we can all watch, lucky us. Lions For Lambs is the first picture out of United Artists studio, since...

Redford's Lions for Lambs first clip online

The first footage for Lions for Lambs is online. This is the film about three seemingly unconnected stories which weave together starring Tom Cruise, Robert Redford, Meryl Streep and directed by Redford. One of the stories is about a Senator, played by Tom Cruise, and an investigative journalist, played by...

Stalked: Pitt and Clooney, Hoffman and Streep

Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman are to star in a 1964 Catholic school paedophile story, and Brad Pitt is teaming up with George Clooney again in Burn After Reading. Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman are teaming up in Doubt, an adaptation of a play which takes place in...

Brosnan joins Abba musical Mamma Mia!

Can you believe that Pierce Brosnan is set to join the cast of Mamma Mia! in the film adaptation of the popular musical? Yes, I could hardly believe it either. Brosnan will play one of the men summoned to the wedding of a woman who believes that she has found...


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