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Entries tagged with 'Jake Gyllenhaal'

Portman joins Brothers remake

Natalie Portman is set to join the remake of Susanne Bier's Danish war film Brødre (Brothers) which has already gained the talents of both Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal. The original film was powerful, and really did hit a nerve on the effects of war on the individual, as well...

Brothers remake gains Maguire and Gyllenhaal

Now here's a piece of casting I never expected and one that tells us the remake of Susanne Bier's Danish war film Brødre (Brothers) could well turn out to be a strong and positive remake. Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal have been lined up for the roles of the two...

Rendition trailer online

The trailer for Rendition is online, and it addresses quite a number of dark issues in America and Britain right now, mainly the transportation illegal deportation of human beings to countries that have laws that allow their rights to be bent and for them to be tortured and interrogated. The...

Jake Gyllenhaal is not Captain Marvel in Shazam!

Now, let's kill the next rumour. Jake Gyllenhaal as Captain Marvel. I hate when "the internet" is used to label all sites and all writers by the uneducated film industry. They obviously have no idea what "the internet" can actually do for their film, and who these people are, they...

Stalked: Gyllenhaal for Spider-Man and Captain America, Speed Racer auditions

More Stalked casting rumours, both of which require salt mines. Jake Gyllenhaal is either going to be the new Spider-Man or Captain America, and Zac Efron from High School Musical could be Speed Racer...salt people, salt... Zac Efron from the High School Musical show has apparently been auditioning for the...

New Zodiac clips online

There are some new clips for David Fincher's Zodiac online, the film that tells the story of a group of men who become obsessed with tracking down the real identity of the Zodiac killer who murdered throughout the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960's. You can read more...

Interactive Zodiac killing timeline online

Zodiac is a film I'm really eager to see. It's the latest from David Fincher who is a great director, and it looks at the true case of the Zodiac killer who has never been caught. Now the official site has started something that's quite chilling, an online Zodiac timeline...


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