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Entries tagged with 'Natalie Portman'

Stalked: Takeshi Kitano, Colin Farrell, Natalie Portman, Battle: Los Angeles, Adrien Brody, Kemba Smith

Takeshi Kitano will play an artist in Achillies to Kame (Achilles and the Tortoise)... Colin Farrell will star in Triage alongside Christopher Lee... Natalie Portman is starring in another Wuthering Heights... Battle: Los Angeles is a speculative script about an alien invasion... Adrien Brody will star in Dario Argento's next...

Stalked: New York, I Love You, Mother, L, The Edge of Love, Hack/Slash

Loads of casting for New York, I Love You... Won Bin and Kim Hye-Ja have joined Bong Joon-ho's new film Mother... Hideo Nakata's L and John Maybury's The Edge of Love are set to open festivals this year... Hack/Slash has a new writer, Justin Marks......

The Other Boleyn Girl multiple trailers

In the first of many trailers this evening I have The Other Boleyn Girl trailer in various formats and sizes for your pleasure. This is the film starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson as the two Boleyn sisters vying for the hand of King Henry VIII played by Eric Bana....

New My Blueberry Nights trailer online

There's a new trailer online for Wong Kar Wai's My Blueberry Nights online, and this one looks much, much better than the one we saw some time ago. The film has a bevy of stars featuring Norah Jones, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, David Strathairn and Rachel Weisz to name but...

Update: Gerard Butler in Wolverine?

There's a casting rumour that's spreading the Interflab regarding the new Wolverine X-Men film which is entitled, strangely enough, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, as if you didn't realise who the character is. Anyway, the rumour is that Gerard Butler is looking at joining the film....

The Other Boleyn Girl trailer online

The trailer for The Other Boleyn Girl has just arrived at Filmstalker in three different formats with three different sizes each, that means there's loads of ways to watch it. The film features Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, and Eric Bana, the ladies playing the Boleyn sisters and Bana playing Henry...

The Other Boleyn Girl trailer online...for some

There's a trailer online for The Other Boleyn Girl, except if you are outside the U.S. and perhaps Canada, you won't be able to see it as it's been restricted to those in certain countries, overly xenophobic if you ask me and not something a film looking for a worldwide...

Portman produces, directing old news

Back in February (yes everyone, February) I wrote about Natalie Portman directing a film version of the book A Tale of Love and Darkness by Israeli writer Amos Oz. Now the news is that she's signed a deal to start producing films with her new company Handsomecharlie Films. The directorial...

Portman joins Brothers remake

Natalie Portman is set to join the remake of Susanne Bier's Danish war film Brødre (Brothers) which has already gained the talents of both Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal. The original film was powerful, and really did hit a nerve on the effects of war on the individual, as well...

Natalie Portman naked online

I never realised what the fuss was all about on Wes Anderson's short film Hotel Chevalier which is a kind of prequel to the upcoming film The Darjeeling Limited, until I caught the fact that Natalie Portman is to appear naked in it. Well as naked as her modesty would...

Portman and Li in martial arts Snow White?

There's a new Snow White film coming to our screens, and it will capture something totally different to those before it. This film will see the classic story moved into 19th Century Hong Kong and featuring Shaolin Monks. The film will be a fantasy adventure from Francis Lawrence, the Director...

The Darjeeling Limited trailer doesn't excite

The trailer for The Darjeeling Limited is online, and I'm none the wiser. I'm also a bit lost by all the excitement about this film. Sure, it's from Wes Anderson and it stars Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Angelica Huston and Natalie Portman, some very good reasons to see it, but...

The Hunting Party and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium trailers online

There are trailers online for the Richard Gere starrer Hunting Party, formerly known as Spring Break in Bosnia, as well as a trailer for Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium starring Natalie Portman and Dustin Hoffman. The Hunting Party stars Richard Gere, Terrence Howard, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Kruger and James Brolin in...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

My Blueberry Nights clips online

Previously, on Filmstalker, I wrote about how disappointing and confused the teaser trailer for My Blueberry Nights was, well now there are a number of new clips out for it that just might clear up some of the confusion. Then again, they might not. There are three new clips online...

My Blueberry Nights trailer disappointing

There's a trailer online for My Blueberry Nights, the eagerly awaited English language film from Wong Kar Wai and carries with it a stonkingly good cast. Norah Jones, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Rachel Weisz, David Strathairn and Tim Roth star in this story about a woman who undertakes a soul...

Read the Darjeeling Limitied script online!

There's a script online for Wes Anderson's Darjeeling Limited, the film starring Natalie Portman, Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman. The script is an older version of the film which dates back to May 2006, before Portman climbed onboard. The script comes from ohnotheydidnt through bigscreenlittlescreen . You can...

LaBeouf says Indy better with a girl

Shia Labeouf is saying that he's definitely not signed up for Indiana Jones 4 and is saying that Natalie Portman would be a better choice than him. He says that he was stunned when he heard reports that he had taken the role, and he says himself that he would...

Casting: Red Cliff, Jurassic Park IV, Ocean's Thirteen, Indiana Jones IV

A bunch of casting news. First up news that Tony Leung on The Battle of Red Cliff, Sam Neill on Jurassic Park IV, Bruce Willis on Ocean's Thirteen and Shia LeBeouf on Indiana Jones IV. Tony Leung is being reported as leaving John Woo's epic The Battle of Red Cliff...

Natalie Portman to direct?

In what appears to be some hyping up of a story, Jerusalem Capital Studios have said that the gorgeous Natalie Portman may well direct and act in a film version of the book A Tale of Love and Darkness by Israeli writer Amos Oz. Their spokesperson Danny Levy told Reuters:...


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