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Entries tagged with 'Elijah Wood'

Stallone in another Bronson remake?

Not only is Sylvester Stallone remaking Death Wish, which he is writing and possibly directing, but there's word that he's starring in another Charles Bronson remake before that, The Mechanic. The film tells the story of a hitman who is training up a replacement so that he can retire. However...

The Oxford Murders English trailer online

We've seen the trailer for The Oxford Murders before, but it was Spanish only, well now the English language trailer is here and it looks fantastic. The film stars John Hurt and Elijah Wood and is directed by Álex de la Iglesia, the director of Crimen ferpecto and La habitación...

Elijah Wood in Day Zero trailer

For most of the trailer, Day Zero looks like a tough and intense look at three men of very different views who are drafted into the military to be sent to war in the Middle East. The film stars Elijah Wood, Jon Bernthal and Chris Klein as the three men...

The Oxford Murders trailer online

The first real trailer for Álex de la Iglesia's The Oxford Murders has arrived online, and it looks great, although at the moment I can't understand all the words as it's dubbed in Spanish, but it won't be long before we hear it in English, and the visuals look strong....

Iggy Pop film in doubt

A while ago it was rumoured that Elijah Wood was set to play Iggy Pop in a biographical film about his earlier years. Today the famed singer has said that he has been impressed by Wood's performances but reveals that the film might not get made. "We have no agreement...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Stalked: Cassandra's Dream, The Happening, The Oxford Murders, Hercules

Woody Allen's Cassandra's Dream film gets bought in Cannes, Zooey Deschanel joins M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening, Alex de la Iglesia's The Oxford Murders gets a distribution deal, and Hercules is coming back to the big screen. Woody Allen's Cassandra's Dream has been saved by the Weinstein Company. Previously, on...

Elijah Wood to play Iggy Pop

Elijah Wood is the next actor in a a growing list taking up the role of a legendary leader of music, but perhaps Wood is the strangest match we've heard of so far. Who would you think he would be playing, Iggy Pop? Yeah, that's what I thought when I...

Wood joins Acker's big cast 9

Elijah Wood is to voice a character in a star studded animated film called 9, he will play the lead character 9 who is a rag doll in Shane Acker's cartoon set in a post apocalyptic world. Also set to star are a weight list of names such as Jennifer...


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