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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra rumours

Wow, after writing about the anonymous comments made on the Transformers Producers board about Stephen Sommers leaving the film and the alleged "worst test screening performance ever" there's been a rash of differing stories about what's really going on, all claiming that their source or their insider is the one...

Update: Clips 'n' Pics: All Superbowl clips: Transformers 2, Star Trek, Fast & Furious, Up, Land of the Lost, Year One, G.I. Joe, Race to Witch Mountain, Angels & Demons, Duplicity

Rather than annoy you with individual trailers for each of the short Super Bowl adverts, I thought I would lump them all together so you can see new footage, and some first time footage, for a ton of films right here. The Super Bowl clips released already are Transformers 2,...

Clips 'n' Pics: G.I. Joe, Star Trek and Transporter 3

Marketing departments in studios are going pretty crazy these days, they know that people want early footage, they love it, but what they probably don't quite have the concept of is showing the right footage, or retaining the audience. What's interesting is that out of the pre-teaser footage for G.I....

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe dead?

There are many dichotomies in this world, and particularly in the world of business, and one of them comes today with the news that the eighties cartoon and toy series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe will not make it to a big screen presentation when the same G.I....

Stalker's Poll: Most anticipated superhero film?

Superhero films are coming thick and fast this year, and on the Stalker's Poll the last question I asked was what is your most anticipated superhero film? Considering the amount of superhero films that were due at the time there were a lot to chose from, and four took the...

Stalked:G.I. Joe, Nailed

The G.I. Joe film has a new title. And Nailed is shut again....

G.I. Joe character images

You can now have a look at some of the main characters from the G.I. Joe film. There are images of Duke, General Hawk, Destro, Breaker, Heavy Duty and Storm Shadow....

Sienna Miller describes G.I. Joe

In fact Sienna Miller describes G.I. Joe in a nutshell, and she's being damn honest about it. In fact I think I have a new found respect for her after she spoke her mind about the upcoming film. The quote is sure to annoy fans of G.I. Joe and earn...

G.I. Joe character images online

There are images of the G.I. Joe characters online right now, and these images don't seem to be going anywhere. They show pretty much the whole cast with Scarlett (pictured here), Hawk, Duke, Baroness, Lady Jaye, Storm Shadow, and Ripcord all shown in rather large jpeg glory. The costumes are...

Clip's n Pic's: Fast and the Furious cars, Snakes Eyes, Indy, Bond and The Ruins

More from the Fast and the Furious 4 cars... G.I. Joe's Snake Eyes is revealed in some cool publicity photos... Video of Shia LaBeouf on the set with Indiana Jones and the infeasibly long film title... Then there's a behind the scenes of the new Bond film, Quantum of Solace......

G.I. Joe for fans only?

I find it hard to get excited about G.I. Joe at the best of times, but hearing the Executive Producer, Brian Goldner, talk about the film's plot line just makes me confused and I find myself wondering if this is going to be for die hard fans only. The best...

More board game films coming

I can still hardly believe that Ridley Scott is set to develop a film based on the Monopoly board game, even if he does seem to be concentrating on the darker side of people during the game, I still don't see it. So the news today that Hasbo has done...

Quaid talks G.I. Joe

Dennis Quaid has been giving a few comments about the upcoming G.I. Joe film and reveals, at least to me anyway, that this is going to be as deep and as exciting as I first thought - that is tongue in cheek by the way. He also says that he's...

Pryce elected in G.I. Joe

The President of the United States in G.I. Joe has been chosen and it's none other than Jonathan Pryce. I find the casting for G.I. Joe more and more surprising as bigger and bigger names leap on board....

Stalked: G.I. Joe cast change, Tomei as a stripper and Gershon as hooker

G.I. Joe cast change brings Christopher Eccleston... Marisa Tomei joins Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler... Gina Gershon joins a big cast for Love Ranch... Mads Mikkelsen in time travel film......

Stalked: The Road, Murphy replaces Lohan, Affleck, Hudson and G.I. Joe

Guy Pearce and Kodi Smit-McPhee have joined The Road with a rumour of Robert Duvall walking on too. Brittany Murphy is rumoured to be replacing Lindsay Lohan in the dark comedy Poor Things. Casey Affleck is joining a period drama called The Kind One. Kate Hudson is joining Big Eyes...

Stalked: Casting Elm Street, Young Kirk, Claire Danes, Destro and Gerard Butler

Robert Englund may well reprise his role as Freddy Krueger, there's a young Captain Kirk cast in the form of Jimmy Bennet. Beautiful Claire Danes is to join Me and Orson Welles. Destro from G.I. Joe has been cast and that's going to be David Murray. Finally Gerard Butler has...

Dennis Quaid and Arnold Vosloo in G.I. Joe

Wow, I am surprised, the cast for G.I. Joe is getting better and better, now they've added Dennis Quaid and Arnold Vosloo. The Stephen Sommers film adapted from action figures and comics is really building its cast....

Stalked: G.I. Joe and Star Trek casting

Channing Tatum has signed for G.I. Joe and Marlene Forte has signed for Star Trek. That's really all there is to say. Marlene Forte is to play the role of Chief Transporter while Channing Tatum will be playing Duke in the action figure/cartoon based film....

Stalked: Theron on The Road and West for G.I. Joe?

Charlize Theron joins Viggo Mortensen in the adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's The Road and Dominic West is being rumoured as the latest to join the rubbery production of G.I. Joe....

G.I. Joe spoiler?

There's a report online today of a possible plot spoiler for the upcoming G.I. Joe film, and while it doesn't really excite me or strike me as particularly surprising given the over convoluted plots of some films, it does mention yet again the appearance of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the film,...

Stalked: Rogue gets released, G.I. Joe casts quality

Rogue, the big crocodile film from Greg Mclean the director of Wolf Creek (Filmstalker review), is going to get a release date in Australia according to Twitch. However so far that's the only release date given. The film stars Radha Mitchell, Michael Vartan and Sam Worthington. Meanwhile Marlon Wayans has...

Stalked: Miller in G.I. Joe, Singleton's Executive Order: Six

Sienna Miller has signed to play the female lead for G.I. Joe, according to Variety, a sexy femme fatale skilled in espionage, which sounds like Miller could play well. Now that sounds like it could be Lady Jaye. Well, that's not really excited me that much, we're still waiting on...

Clooney for G.I. Joe?

I find this hard to believe, but the rumour out today is that George Clooney is looking for a blockbuster to star in and that he's talking about appearing in G.I. Joe. What makes it worse is that the news was out a few days ago that he had walked...

Statham nothing to do with G.I. Joe

Jason Statham says that he has no connection with the G.I. Joe film, and the world applauded. He's been touted around the Interflab as being connected with the G.I. Joe film as he might just play action man, a rumour he's put to death rather quickly today, and thank god....

Sommers and Beattie on G.I. Joe

Previously I wrote about Stephen Sommers being considered for the directorial job on the G.I. Joe film and a little while later we heard that he was asking too much money and was off, both rumours of course. Now though we hear that he actually does have the job and...

G.I. Joe passes on Director

Just a few days ago we heard that Stephen Sommers was being considered for the G.I. Joe film, and now today the rumour is busted, but another rumour. Apparently Stephen Sommers was asking far too much money to direct the film and the Director has passed. A lot of people...

Jason Statham as Action Man?

Could this be true? Could Jason Statham be taking up the role of Action Man in the G.I. Joe film? After all if they are turning the American soldier action figure into a film, why not add the British one for maximum revenue. Well the insider rumours are suggesting that...

Sommers to direct G.I. Joe film?

I still find it hard to believe that there's going to be a G.I. Joe film, but there is, and the word is that Paramount Pictures have asked Stephen Sommers to direct it. Hold off the lawyers Paramount, I'm sure you want this kind of positive publicity, if you don't...

G.I. Joe still a go

There's not a lot of movement on the G.I. Joe film, last we heard was that Skip Woods had written a script that featured the British action figure Action Man, and that wasn't too well received. According to the Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, there were two versions of the G.I....

Stalked: Bell is Devil, Lordi film and G.I. Joe still on

Tobin Bell plays the devil, the G.I. Joe film is still on the cards, and Lordi, the Eurovision Song Contest winners from last year, have had a large onflux of cash to their science fiction film Dark Floors. Tobin Bell is set to cast off his bad boy image as...

Stalked: Slap Shot remake, monster hunting in UK, and more on G.I. Joe

There's a few general stories online today. The Paul Newman starrer Ice Hockey film Slap Shot is up for a remake, a story about drunken monster hunters in the UK is on the go, and it seems Mark Wahlberg is being eyed for the G.I. Joe film. Paul Newman once...

Constantine 2 takes huge budget cut

The producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has been talking about his projects loads recently, and today is no exception. He has been discussing now to bring G.I. Joe to the big screen, but more importantly he's talking Constantine 2, and it's quite worrying. First off G.I. Joe. He has admitted that...

Whalberg leads G.I. Joe film?

Could Mark Wahlberg be set to play the character of Duke in a G.I. Joe film? Well it looks like it, and it's much more than just Wahlberg talking about how nice the role would be. The Producer of Shooter, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, said that they will start working on...


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