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Entries tagged with 'Keanu Reeves'

Keanu Reeves in The Day the Earth Stood Still

The remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still is set to star Keanu Reeves as the humanoid alien who arrives on Earth along with his robot protector to deliver a warning to the world, change your aggressive ways or the planet will be destroyed by the alien race. The...

Rickman versus Grant in Wine films

Recently we heard that Alan Rickman was joining a film that would look at the birth of the Californian Napa valley wine industry, now there's news that a rival film may be in the works and that Hugh Grant may be picking up the same role as Rickman. We heard...

Reeves turning down Watchmen may not be good

So Keanu Reeves has turned down Watchmen. The news is everywhere and really I don't get it. The rumour was that he was up for the part of either Doctor Manhattan or Ozymandias, now if it was Manhattan I think he was a good choice. Manhattan is the only person...

Constantine 2 news

I want another Constantine film, and surprisingly, I want Keanu Reeves in it, but it seems that there's not such a rush to get one out there. According to the Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventurait's a decision for the Warner Brothers Executives, but there is a lot of hope: "I know...

Watchmen casting surprises

Wow, the rumour mill has really begun on the Watchmen casting with a story just appeared from one of the pesky sources that tells us the alleged leads for Night Owl, Ozymandias and Doctor Manhattan. Now if you sit and think about them for a few moments they aren't as...

Laurie joins Night Watch aka The Night Watchman

The Night Watchman has had a title change as it greets a new cast member, the non-hobbling Hugh Laurie. Apparently the title change means that it clashes with another Fox Searchlight release, that of the very good Russian film Night Watch (Filmstalker review). Strange that they should do this, but...

Constantine 2 takes huge budget cut

The producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has been talking about his projects loads recently, and today is no exception. He has been discussing now to bring G.I. Joe to the big screen, but more importantly he's talking Constantine 2, and it's quite worrying. First off G.I. Joe. He has admitted that...

David Ayer's The Night Watchmen

Keanu Reeves is set to take the lead in The Night Watchmen, a James Ellroy scripted film that is currently receiving a rewrite from David Ayer who is also directing. According to IMDB the story is about a disgraced cop who sets out to redeem himself, whereas Variety, who carry...


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