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Entries tagged with 'Zack Snyder'

Snyder posts Watchmen video

Okay so it's Watchmen and deserves a little more hype than required, but really, if this were any other film the write up of this video release would be much, much less and perhaps a little more critical. I don't want Zack Snyder in a short piece to camera sitting...

Watchmen site live with surprises

When a film site usually goes live there's not much content, and when it does come there's the usual fare. However with the Watchmen site something is very clear, the filmmakers here are deadly serious, they really are loving the material right from the outset. You can see that in...

Zack Snyder directs Illustrated Man

Warner Brothers has announced that Zack Snyder will be directing The Illustrated Man, the remake of the 1969 film and of the Ray Bradbury novel of the same name starring the excellent Rod Steiger. There's no word yet on who will be leading the film, bets on Gerard Butler anyone?...

Watchmen Production Blog live

Although for most films the arrival of a website and a production blog (a term I use loosely here and will explain more about in a moment) for most films isn't a huge event, for Watchmen it is. The very fact that the film that we never thought could be...

Carla Gugino joins Watchmen

The incredibly sexy Carla Gugino is joining the cast of the Watchmen as Sally Jupiter, the sexy ex- burlesque dancer who became one of the original costumed heroes Silk Spectre, she will play the mother of the new Silk Spectre who is also retired, played by Malin Akerman. Previously we...

Watchmen lookalikes casting call

Cracking news to yet again reinforce the notion that Zack Snyder is going to the source and sticking true to the original Watchmen graphic novel/comic series with the announcement that he's looking for lookalikes including that of Richard Nixon. “President Richard Nixon: 35-45. We'll be aging him up for a...

Snyder talks Watchmen production

Zack Snyder has been talking some about his work on Watchmen and where they are so far. He sounds very positive about it all, although the previous talk that nothing would be changed seems to be slipping slightly. Now before I go on I'm expecting things to change. Despite his...

Watchmen details revealed, Gerard Butler cast

The Watchmen poster is revealed and Zack Snyder has been talking about the much anticipated adaptation of perhaps the best comic book in the world. Over at Comic-Con he showcased the artwork, which looks as if it's directly from the graphic novel itself, and also talked about the film, as...

Watchmen casts heroes

The Watchmen finally receives an official casting, and it's a little further from that A-list we first got excited about, however it is still an interesting list. Jackie Earle Haley is Rorschach, the costumed hero who ignores the Government ban and keeps operating, trying to uncover a conspiracy he thinks...

New casting for Watchmen, Ozymandias isn't Law

There's another casting rumour for Watchmen, this time for Ozymandias, the role previously rumoured to be filled by Jude Law, and before him Zack Snyder said he had been talking with Tom Cruise for the role. Now, in keeping with the other announcements, a smaller name has been announced, Matthew...

Watchmen casts Rorschach and Jupiter?

Two rumours of casting for Zack Snyder's Watchmen today. One is for Rorschach and the other is Sally Jupiter. Apparently both are now officially cast and we're likely to hear the announcements soon. Rorschach is Jackie Earle Haley, a rumour we heard sometime ago, and Malin Akerman is Laurie Juspeczyk...

Official Watchmen site for Rorschach live

It appears that the first site for the Zack Snyder directed adaptation of Watchmen is online, and the power of the marketing has begun with the arrival of Rorschach's Journal online. The first Watchmen site contains the logo that Rorschach used in the Watchmen graphic novel and at the moment...

Has Patrick Wilson confirmed Watchmen role?

Could Patrick Wilson be the Nite Owl for the Watchmen film? The cult comic book adaptation seems to be gathering some momentum at last, with Zack Snyder directing and loads of discussion about this attempt at production, we now hear that another name is attached, and from the very man...

Watchmen casting surprises

Wow, the rumour mill has really begun on the Watchmen casting with a story just appeared from one of the pesky sources that tells us the alleged leads for Night Owl, Ozymandias and Doctor Manhattan. Now if you sit and think about them for a few moments they aren't as...

Snyder returns to Zombie films

Zack Snyder wants to return to the world of zombies in Army of the Dead, and this time he wants an epic film for the genre. He's written the script and he and his wife Deborah are producing, but it's not yet known if he will direct the film too....

Snyder reveals more on Watchmen

Zack Snyder has been talking about the Watchmen again, and this time he gives away a little more than he has to date. He does say that Tom Cruise was very interested to be in the film, but it just won't work this time, and it is a shame. The...

300 on IMAX

Film Five Stars

I received two tickets to a special screening of 300 (Filmstalker review) at the London BFI-IMAX cinema, and because I'd spent a small fortune going to see the first press screening, I couldn't afford to travel again. So, because of her enthusiasm and all the support she's shown Filmstalker, I...

Butler and Snyder video interviews online

What is it with Gerard Butler, I can't stop posting about him. To be fair it's more around the success of the superb film 300 (Filmstalker review), but here he is again with a video interview where he talks about the film and his performance. Not only do I have...

Watchmen's Rorschach in 300 trailer!

There are images from the upcoming Watchmen film online and hidden in the latest 300 uncut and extended trailer showing some darkened image of Rorshach himself. Much as Zack Snyder would rather be talking about 300 (Filmstalker review), he's still found time to sneak a test shot into the trailer....

Snyder 300 screening Q&A; and interview

I've been saved, rather than transcribe the entire Q&A; from the 300 (Filmstalker review) Press screening in London the other week, the guys who hosted it have been kind enough to record it and make it available for all to see, and I have all the links right here. Not...

Snyder confirms Butler in Watchmen!

Zack Snyder has confirmed that he has a part specifically for Gerard Butler in Watchmen and that he wants him to appear in the film, but he hasn't really talked to him about it. Butler says the same, and he also reveals that the upcoming Priest film is most definitely...

Snyder's fantasy labotomy tale

Zack Snyder is looking for some lighter material between finishing 300 (Filmstalker review) and attempting the biggest comic adaptation there is, Watchmen. He's looking to adapt a short story he's written called Sucker Punch. The story, according to Empire, will be the first produced through his new company Cruel and...

Gerard Butler for Watchmen?

Now if we don't hype this up like some sites and say that Gerard Butler definitely has a part in Watchmen under Zack Snyder, we can bring you the news that Snyder has said he would like to work with Butler again and that he's sure there's a part in...

Tom Cruise as Ozymandias in Watchmen?

Tom Cruise was to star in the Watchmen film according to the latest director on the project Zack Snyder. Cruise and Snyder were talking about him playing the role of Ozymandias, the perfect human being who excels at everything with his perfect physique, amazing mind, and the most famous man...

Dawn of the Dead

Film Three Stars

I don't usually review films I see on television for many reasons. The most damaging being that there are regular interruptions to the narrative throughout the film, and on UK's Freeview these are becoming far more frequent, longer and intrusive. The cuts are less elegant and thrown right into the...

300 cast interviews online

To continue the 300 theme of the last few days, and to follow on from the review I've just written of the film, I'm posting a few links to various interviews with the cast of the film. First up we have Yahoo Movies [Embed] through Superhero Hype who have posted...


Film Five Stars

There had indeed been much hype about the film beforehand. The trailers were looking stunning and the stills amazing. Style was at the fore of the posters and pictures and the trailers and clips we'd seen were suggesting much passion and posturing. It looked epic. Then came the news of...

300 standing ovation at Berlin

Now I'm confused, according to the press releases 300 received a standing ovation at the Berlin Film Festival from the seventeen hundred strong audience. Zack Snyder, Gerard Butler and Rodrigo Santoro were in attendance and there doesn't seem to be anything of the Cinematical mentioned booing and walking out. One...

Snyder reveals more Watchmen

Zack Snyder has been talking again about his upcoming crack at the Watchmen film, a comic book adaptation that has been plagued by failed starts and almost made it moments. Now though, this could be the one. There's some really interesting stuff here. An actor is mentioned, and then put...

300 sequel already?

I grow sceptical of sequel talk during press time for a film, in fact I grow more sceptical of any talk of proposed films during press time, mainly because it's a great way to get press to write about you, and here is no different. So with the 300 press...

Snyder talks CGI on Watchmen

We've heard before that Zack Snyder wants to create his Watchmen as close to the Alan Moore original as possible, and that means it will be set in 1985 and it will feature Richard Nixon as the President, he even said that the studio are behind him in those ideas....


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