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Entries tagged with 'Lena Headey'

Cashback trailer intrigues

Now, against The Darjeeling Limited trailer, the trailer for Cashback looks much more interesting. The British film is from Writer and Director Sean Ellis and stars Sean Biggerstaff (no giggling), Emilia Fox and the hugely upcoming Michelle Ryan. Art student Ben Willis, played by Sean Biggerstaff, is dumped by his...

St. Trinian's remake gains more big names

The British St. Trinian's remake has just announced two new cast members hot on the heels of being rescued financially after a major budget shortfall. Toby Jones, most known for Infamous, and Lena Headey from 300 have joined the cast along with Celia Imrie, Anna Chancellor (you'll recognise her when...

Updated: 300 Red Carpet Premiere video online

The 300 (Filmstalker review) London premiere was just last week, and we've been given the footage from Warner Brothers for you all to enjoy. It includes Gerard Gutler and Lena Heady being interviewed, so there's something for everyone, as well as clips from the film itself. I've got various formats...

Watchmen's Rorschach in 300 trailer!

There are images from the upcoming Watchmen film online and hidden in the latest 300 uncut and extended trailer showing some darkened image of Rorshach himself. Much as Zack Snyder would rather be talking about 300 (Filmstalker review), he's still found time to sneak a test shot into the trailer....


Film Five Stars

There had indeed been much hype about the film beforehand. The trailers were looking stunning and the stills amazing. Style was at the fore of the posters and pictures and the trailers and clips we'd seen were suggesting much passion and posturing. It looked epic. Then came the news of...


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