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Entries tagged with 'Frank Miller'

Stalked: West in Punisher 2 and Paulson joins The Spirit

Dominic West is in negotiations to play Jigsaw, the baddie in Punisher 2: War Zone, and Sarah Paulson is joining Frank Miller's The Spirit. I can't help but feel this is a bit of a step backwards for Dominic considering his role in 300, however perhaps this sequel is going...

Scarlett Johansson's an Evil Secretary

As we mentioned a couple of weeks back,in between the sequels for Sin City, Frank Miller plans on directing Will Eisner's The Spirit. Today we have an addition to his cast for the film. Scarlett Johansson will play a dangerous beauty named Silk N. Floss, a "sexy and intelligent secretary...

Frank Miller's Spirit found

Frank Miller has found his lead for The Spirit, the adaptation of Will Eisner's comic book character. The man in question is Gabriel Macht. Although you may not know Gabriel Macht, a look at his IMDB profile will reveal a number of films you will, with his latest appearance in...

Miller says Weinstein's holding up Sin City 2

Sin City 2 has been delayed for some time, and whenever we hear mention of it we're always told that it is happening but then new projects come along and fill up their schedule, even the stars have no idea what is happening with it. At Comic-Con Frank Miller mentioned...

Miller and Owen adapt Chandler

Frank Miller and Clive Owen are teaming up on another project that isn't Sin City 2. Trouble is My Business is a Raymond Chandler novella will see Frank Miller adapting and Clive Owen starring, with Richard Brunton writing about it online. According to Clive Owen himself, Miller is the perfect...

Miller reveals Sin City 3 story

We already heard that there were going to be two Sin City sequels from Frank Miller a few months back, but he's been talking about them again, trying to appease the concerns about the delays in production, and also to reveal a little of the third story. So we know...

Miller says Sin City 2 likely

Frank Miller has come back on the recent comments from Michael Madsen that he doesn't know if Sin City 2 is going to get made, and frankly his comments aren't that comforting. He says that it is still likely to happen, the script is written, but now there are other...

Jackson as The Spirit's Octopus?

Samuel L. Jackson looks like he might be playing the villain in Frank Miller's film The Spirit, adapted from his own comic book. The news comes from Cannes where Frank Miller said that Samuel L. Jackson is his first choice to play the character of the evil genius who knows...

Stalked: Cusack, Gordon-Levitt and novel adaptations

I'm out all day and heading out the door now, so here's a bunch of stalked news... John Cusack has signed to Jan de Bont's action film Stopping Power. He plays a test pilot who races through a series of high speed chases to catch an escaped thief and rescue...

Stalked: Miller confirms two Sin City sequels and Dr Doom's pictured

Frank Miller says there are two Sin City sequels in the pipeline and Dr Doom's picture online shows his new armour. Frank Miller has been talking to the LA Times about some of the upcoming projects of his and he's let slip a few interesting facts. Not only has he...

White takes Static from Ritchie

Sylvain White is now attached to direct the futuristic thriller Static, replacing the last known name on the project, Guy Ritchie. The story is written by Brad Gann and is set in L.A. in the future where the leader of the city's hardest gang has to battle his rival gangs...

The 300 Spartans original film

The 300 Spartans is the film that inspired Frank Miller to write the 300 graphic novel and although I don't review films I watch on telly, it's worth talking about The 300 Spartans. One thing is clear, if people are upset about the portrayal of the Persian empire in 300...

No more directors for Miller's comics

Frank Miller has said that 300 (Filmstalker review) is the last film that will be made of his material that he won't direct, and I'm surprised by that comment but at the same time I have to admit the guy has his hat screwed on. According to comments in The...

Miller says Sin City 2 script complete

Frank Miller has announced that the script for Sin City 2 is complete and that the film is ready to go. This goes against the previous rumours that the production was in trouble. While being interviewed on a promotion run for 300 he said: "The script is largely done, and...


Film Five Stars

There had indeed been much hype about the film beforehand. The trailers were looking stunning and the stills amazing. Style was at the fore of the posters and pictures and the trailers and clips we'd seen were suggesting much passion and posturing. It looked epic. Then came the news of...

300 sequel already?

I grow sceptical of sequel talk during press time for a film, in fact I grow more sceptical of any talk of proposed films during press time, mainly because it's a great way to get press to write about you, and here is no different. So with the 300 press...

Miller's Ronin next for adaptation?

It seems that Frank Miller's comic series Ronin is set for adaptation to the big screen. During a press conference for 300 the producer Gianni Nunnari revealed that he was working on two different comic book films and one of them was Miller's Ronin. Ronin is a comic series which...


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