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Entries tagged with '300'

Stalked: Butler wins stunt award and own Smokey and the Bandit's car

Gerard Butler is being recognised for his 300 role at the World Stunt Awards, and you too can own a proper Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am! Gerard Butler is to receive the Action Movie Star of the Year award at the 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards, presumably for his...

The 300 Spartans original film

The 300 Spartans is the film that inspired Frank Miller to write the 300 graphic novel and although I don't review films I watch on telly, it's worth talking about The 300 Spartans. One thing is clear, if people are upset about the portrayal of the Persian empire in 300...

Win a place on the 300 DVD!

Want to be one of the 300 Spartan's in the film 300 (Filmstalker review)? Well now you can, after a fashion anyway. You can have your name on the bonus content of the DVD release of 300 and be introduced by Zack Snyder himself, or perhaps win a signed copy...

Updated: 300 Red Carpet Premiere video online

The 300 (Filmstalker review) London premiere was just last week, and we've been given the footage from Warner Brothers for you all to enjoy. It includes Gerard Gutler and Lena Heady being interviewed, so there's something for everyone, as well as clips from the film itself. I've got various formats...

The Enemy in Hollywood

300 (Filmstalker review) is kicking up a storm, and not just in cinemas with audiences staring wide eyed at the amazing action playing on the big screen and the testosterone flooding the cinema, but also outside, in the discussion boards of the Internet as a growing voice speaks up about...

300 on IMAX

Film Five Stars

I received two tickets to a special screening of 300 (Filmstalker review) at the London BFI-IMAX cinema, and because I'd spent a small fortune going to see the first press screening, I couldn't afford to travel again. So, because of her enthusiasm and all the support she's shown Filmstalker, I...

Butler and Snyder video interviews online

What is it with Gerard Butler, I can't stop posting about him. To be fair it's more around the success of the superb film 300 (Filmstalker review), but here he is again with a video interview where he talks about the film and his performance. Not only do I have...

Iranian government denounces 300

Here at Filmstalker we've been seeing the 300 (Filmstalker review) backlash from the Iranian people first hand, and now the official denouncement has come from the cultural advisor to the Iranian President. Javad Shamqadri has said that the film has plundered Iran's historic past and insulted the civilisation. He said...

300 helps historical books on Thermopylae

There are a few books about Thermopylae, just search on Amazon UK, and although we've heard of a couple from that list this is the first news of how the 300 (Filmstalker review) film is actually affecting them. Thermopylae: The Battle That Changed the World is a book by historian...

No more directors for Miller's comics

Frank Miller has said that 300 (Filmstalker review) is the last film that will be made of his material that he won't direct, and I'm surprised by that comment but at the same time I have to admit the guy has his hat screwed on. According to comments in The...

Gerard Butler video interview on 300

Oh ladies, do I have some good news for you. I've been given three clips from 300, and the plan is to even them out over the week, but I couldn't hold this one back to the end. Gerard Butler talks in quite some depth about his performance in 300...

Watchmen's Rorschach in 300 trailer!

There are images from the upcoming Watchmen film online and hidden in the latest 300 uncut and extended trailer showing some darkened image of Rorshach himself. Much as Zack Snyder would rather be talking about 300 (Filmstalker review), he's still found time to sneak a test shot into the trailer....

Stalked: 300 soundtrack online, Toy Story 3, Hitman Randy Quaid

A couple of little titbits today, first up you can now listen to the entire 300 soundtrack online, and get bonuses if you buy it on the official site, Toy Story 3 has a date, and Randy Quaid is set to play a hitman. The full soundtrack to 300 (Filmstalker...

300 battle scene clip and Leana Headey online

300 (Filmstalker review) is going marketing mad at the moment, and quite rightly so. Online there are a couple new videos, one is a much needed interview with the lovely Lena Headey who amongst all the interest in Gerard Butler's abs and the manliness of the whole thing has been...

The anti-300 petition

People can sometimes be very passionate. Take Dr. Hamed Vahdati Nasab for example, he has decided to start a petition against the film 300 (Filmstalker review), why? Well it's not historically correct, and it portrays the Persian Empire in a very poor light. What I find most interesting is that...

Snyder 300 screening Q&A; and interview

I've been saved, rather than transcribe the entire Q&A; from the 300 (Filmstalker review) Press screening in London the other week, the guys who hosted it have been kind enough to record it and make it available for all to see, and I have all the links right here. Not...

300 new clips online

There's a lovely little three hundred second clip, nice marketing there, for the coming film 300 (Filmstalker review), and if you haven't seen it yet, since it hasn't been released, and don't want to read spoilers galore, then head over to the Filmstalker review which, as always, is spoiler free....

Gerard Butler for Watchmen?

Now if we don't hype this up like some sites and say that Gerard Butler definitely has a part in Watchmen under Zack Snyder, we can bring you the news that Snyder has said he would like to work with Butler again and that he's sure there's a part in...

300 remixed trailer online

There's a slightly remixed trailer for 300 online and although we've seen most of the footage before, it does give a slightly different take on events. Every time I see clips of the film it takes me back to the special screening I saw a few weeks ago and the...

300 cast interviews online

To continue the 300 theme of the last few days, and to follow on from the review I've just written of the film, I'm posting a few links to various interviews with the cast of the film. First up we have Yahoo Movies [Embed] through Superhero Hype who have posted...


Film Five Stars

There had indeed been much hype about the film beforehand. The trailers were looking stunning and the stills amazing. Style was at the fore of the posters and pictures and the trailers and clips we'd seen were suggesting much passion and posturing. It looked epic. Then came the news of...

300 quick preview

I'm not long back in my hotel room after seeing 300, and although I'm not going to scream it's the best thing ever, it certainly is a superb film. The review is coming tomorrow, but in the meantime I have to say that whoever booed the film at Berlin, as...

300 screening and Glasgow Film Festival

Right, here's a quick update of things happening over the weekend for you all, mainly because updates will be sporadic until Monday, here's why. Friday I'm flying to London to catch a screening of 300. Luckily I'm staying overnight and flying back in the morning, the bank balance is suffering!...

300 standing ovation at Berlin

Now I'm confused, according to the press releases 300 received a standing ovation at the Berlin Film Festival from the seventeen hundred strong audience. Zack Snyder, Gerard Butler and Rodrigo Santoro were in attendance and there doesn't seem to be anything of the Cinematical mentioned booing and walking out. One...

300 booed in Berlin, wildly differing reviews

300 is treading a thin line just now. Reports have come in that the film was booed at Berlin during the closing titles and that people were walking out, and yet other sites who have seen it are rating it with full marks. It seems this might be a love...

300 sequel already?

I grow sceptical of sequel talk during press time for a film, in fact I grow more sceptical of any talk of proposed films during press time, mainly because it's a great way to get press to write about you, and here is no different. So with the 300 press...

Snyder talks CGI on Watchmen

We've heard before that Zack Snyder wants to create his Watchmen as close to the Alan Moore original as possible, and that means it will be set in 1985 and it will feature Richard Nixon as the President, he even said that the studio are behind him in those ideas....

300 spoiler pictures online

There are some new pictures online for the upcoming Gerard Butler starrer 300, and they contain rather large spoilers, deaths specifically. I have to say that one of the death shots looks very good, despite the fact that the images are far from good quality. There's nothing here showing off...


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