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Entries tagged with 'Clint Eastwood'

Genre defining: Western

Welcome to the start of a new series of features which we'll step in and out of called "Genre Defining" where we'll explore what we think are the definitive films for whichever genre we're discussing. In other words if I say “westerns”, what comes to mind first and why. Of...

Damon and Eastwood to join Mandela film?

Nelson Mandela is to be played on screen by Morgan Freeman, a role we recently saw taken up by Dennis Haysbert was playiing Mandella in Goodbye Bafana, in the film The Human Factor which the news tells us today that Clint Eastwood is in talks to direct and Matt Damon...

Lee to film black soldiers

You'll remember there was some controversy when Clint Eastwood's films about the Iwo Jima World War II battles had little mention of the black soldiers who lost their lives during the war. Well now Spike Lee looks set to put the record straight. Spike Lee told the Italian newspaper La...

Eastwood honoured with Independent Award

Clint Eastwood is receiving the Spirit of Independence Award from Film Independent this year. He will be presented with the award on June the 28th, and they are full of praise for the star. Quite rightly so. "Clint Eastwood has been called an icon, a maverick, a legend and every...

Eastwood to direct Jolie in Straczynski's Changeling

The Changeling (Filmstalker review) is perhaps one of the most effective and creepy horror films I've ever seen, and I was horrified to hear it was getting a remake, thankfully it's not and the films are similar in title only, this The Changeling is set to be directed by Clint...

Tom Cruise as Ozymandias in Watchmen?

Tom Cruise was to star in the Watchmen film according to the latest director on the project Zack Snyder. Cruise and Snyder were talking about him playing the role of Ozymandias, the perfect human being who excels at everything with his perfect physique, amazing mind, and the most famous man...

Stalked: Ecclestone and Beckinsale casting and Eastwood honoured in France

Christopher Eccleston and Gregory Smith are set to join the cast of The Dark is Rising, a story about a teenage who learns he is in the group that is sworn to fight the forces of darkness. He travels back and forth through time hunting for clues while fighting the...

Eastwood to receive humanitarian award

Clint Eastwood is to receive a humanitarian award from the Motion Picture Association of America for Flags of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima. He will receive the Jack Valenti Humanitarian Award on Tuesday... ...what did Valenti ever do for Humanity apart from unfairly hit filmmakers, censor films, and...


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