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Entries tagged with 'Matt Damon'

Damon and Eastwood to join Mandela film?

Nelson Mandela is to be played on screen by Morgan Freeman, a role we recently saw taken up by Dennis Haysbert was playiing Mandella in Goodbye Bafana, in the film The Human Factor which the news tells us today that Clint Eastwood is in talks to direct and Matt Damon...

Rock claims career low Damon's fault

I think Rock, aka Dwayne Johnson, is a great action star, and I have to wonder where he went wrong with that career path as we see him in comedies and kiddie friendly films going nowhere fast, joining a fellow fallen action star, Vin Diesel. Rock also has acting talent,...

Penn and Damon on Milk biographical film

Both Sean Penn and Matt Damon have been signed up to play leads in the Gus Van Sant film of the 1970's San Francisco politician Harvey Milk. Although it seems that Sean Penn is a definite for the film, with an uncertain start date Matt Damon may not be able...

The Bourne Ultimatum

Film Three Stars

I hate Shaky-cam, I like Paul Greengrass, I like Matt Damon, and I liked the story hidden beneath the blur of the first two Bourne films, so what was there to do but go and see the third. While most are hailing it as the greatest of the series, I...

Damon says fourth Bourne possible

Matt Damon has said that he won't return to the Bourne series for a fourth film, and yet today he seems to be suggesting that he would, but that there'd have to be a long wait until he does. Previously we heard that Matt Damon was completely done with the...

The Bourne Ultimatum

Film Four Stars

Ramchandra, a regular Filmstalker contributor, is attending some of the London press screenings for me and reporting back. Recently he had the chance to see The Bourne Ultimatum, and between him being loaded with films to see and me stuck in the middle of the Edinburgh Film Festival, it's come...

Lucky Luciano to hit the big screen?

Mob films have been a bit thin on the ground recently, but that could be about to change. The life story of Lucky Luciano is headed to the big screen, adapted from the book “The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano”. Mob boss Luciano co-operated with the writing of the book,...

Damon talks Kirk role in Star Trek

A major piece of news for all you Star Trek fans hoping that the previously rumoured J.J. Abrams cast for the Star Trek prequel film was true. Matt Damon has just announced that he knew nothing of it, that it was just an internet rumour (as if they are any...

Bourne Ultimatum new HD trailer is fantastic

There's a new trailer online for The Bourne Ultimatum, and it's in glorious Quicktime HD. This trailer is looking superb, I was holding some doubts about the previous, but here the stunts look amazing, the fights a little less shaky cam (although it's still rather annoying there), plus the drama...

Damon on for Ocean's Fourteen

As with any successful film there's always talk of a sequel, but you would think after three Ocean's films and with the actors all having healthy careers outside this mainstream Hollywood fare that maybe Ocean's Thirteen would be the last. Perhaps not though according to recent comments. At the Cannes...

Damon and Greengrass in Iraq

Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass are going to be teaming up again despite Damon saying that The Bourne Ultimatum is his last. This time though, they are headed for Iraq. This latest announcement has Matt Damon looking at signing on board the adaptation of Imperial Life in the Emerald City...

Damon is done with Bourne

Matt Damon has spoken out at Cannes about his Bourne franchise and where he stands on it, and unsurprisingly he says he's done. The third is his last. "I'm definitely done with that. I think we've ridden that horse as far as we can…The character lives on in the books...

Stalked: First Joker photo and Damon as The Green Arrow?

Matt Damon is being rumoured to be connected with The Green Arrow way too early and there are incredibly grainy set shots of Heath Ledger as the Joker from The Dark Knight on set. Matt Damon has been rumoured to be in talks to star in the film The Green...

Ocean's Thirteen photo's online

So often I see pictures and posters on the Intersmeg that might gather a great deal of hype, but they just don't do anything for me. These pictures from the Ocean's Thirteen film are not among those though, they are starting to build some excitement in me for the film,...

Aronofsky to direct The Fighter?

There's a rumour starting about who will be the Director of the Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon starrer The Fighter. The film follows the life of the boxer called "Irish" Micky Ward, played by Wahlberg, a fighter who was doing really well and then suffered a string of defeats. He...

Damon and Raimi in Brødre remake?

Matt Damon may be signing up to work for Sam Raimi in a film called Brothers should the studio have their way. The film is a remake based on a Danish film by Susanne Bier called Brødre (Brothers) which won awards and accolades galore and was only made in 2004....

Star Trek XI casting rumours - are these Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu and Scotty?

Rumours they may be, but I have to say that the latest casting gossip for Star Trek XI is looking superb. Imagine these names lined up to play Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Sulu. Stop for a moment, have a look, and realise just how good these guys look for the...

The Good Shepherd clips online

Filmstalker has three new clips for The Good Shepherd online, and two show the relationship between Wilson and Clover played by Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie while the other shows us the very dry and dull delivery of General Bill Sullivan played by Robert De Niro himself. I have to...

Wahlberg and Damon in Mickey Ward boxing film

Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon are set to return to work together in The Fighter, a film about the life of Irish boxer Mickey Ward and his half-brother who also trained him, Dick Ecklund. Wahlberg is set to play Ward and Damon Ecklund, which I think is rather an interesting...

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...


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