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Entries tagged with 'Ray Winstone'

44 Inch Chest stars Winstone, Hurt and Roth

I haven't heard anything about the British film 44 Inch Chest until today when I read the cast list, Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Tim Roth and Ian McShane. Sounds fantastic doesn't it? Just that combination seems very powerful. The plot delivers an even more interesting punch....

Winstone turns down Sweeney?

According to a quote from Danny Dyer, who is set to appear in the Nick Love directed film adaptation of The Sweeney, Ray Winstone is far too busy to appear in the film but that Paul Bettany is being sought for the role. The Sweeney was a seventies television show...

Wild Geese remake gains Director

We knew that The Wild Geese was going to be remade months ago, and I'm not one for repeating myself to grab headlines and follow the pack, I usually do it because I've forgotten! However this repeat announcement brings with it the news of a Director attached and a continuing...

Beowulf R-rated trailer online

It wasn't that long ago that we had the International trailer for Beowulf that was unrated with a naked Angelina Jolie, well now we have the U.S. R-rated trailer for Beowulf. The new trailer looks to be R-rated for a very quick leg pulling off scene which has a quick...

Indiana Jones stars video and Hurt stays quiet

John Hurt is refusing to reveal who he is playing in Indiana Jones IV, so the speculation continues. In a recent interview he said... “Well, I'm not allowed to tell you about my character - it's under tight control for good reason. It's not meant to be 'boo to you...

Karen Allen in Indiana Jones IV set photos

A quick piece of casting news that really does deserve to have a single slot, and that's the news from Comic-Con that Karen Allen is set to star in the new Indiana Jones film, the fourth and final film that will feature Indiana Jones as we know him. Karen Allen...

Broadbent doesn't replace Elliot in Indy IV

Jim Broadbent will cameo in Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods or Indiana Jones IV. However it seems that he won't be taking over the Doctor Marcus Brody character that Denholm Elliot made his own. The cast is looking good for the new Indiana Jones film, and with...

Is Blanchett Indiana Jones' villain?

The rumours are everywhere now regarding Indiana Jones IV. We're hearing about specific scenes, complete plot details, and now we're discussing who could be the villain of the piece, and that is perhaps one of the more positive stories to come out of the film so far. Forget aliens and...

Ray Winstone signs for Indiana Jones IV

The superb Ray Winstone looks set to join the cast of Indiana Jones IV, a quite superb casting choice if I may say so. The news today is that he has signed for a major role, the role isn't explained, but we do know that it's a biggie. So we're...

Gazza joins Winstone in film

Paul Gascoigne aka Gazza is an ex-England and Newcastle United footballer who is particularly well known in Britain. He's had a turbulent career it's fair to say, one which does mirror the life of a Hollywood celebrity. Now though he's set to join them in a horror film called Final...

Stalked: Ray Winstone and Lost Boys 2

Ray Winstone is returning to Australia for The Tender Hook and Joel Schumacher is not happy that there's going to be a Lost Boys 2. First up Ray Winstone is apparently onboard the film The Tender Hook, a film noir type film set in Melbourne. It was originally to star...

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...


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