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Entries tagged with 'Leonardo DiCaprio'

DiCaprio and Vinnie Jones team up?

Unbelievably this isn't a joke. Leonardo DiCaprio and Vinnie Jones could well be set to team up in a new film together, Vinnie Jones has really taken a leap forward with this film. DiCaprio and Jones have been named as starring together in a film called Freedom Within the...

I, Claudius the film

I, Claudius was a novel you know, not just the BBC 1976 television series starring Derek Jacobi, John Hurt, Brian Blessed, Ian Ogilvy, Kevin McNally, Patrick Stewart, John Rhys-Davies and so on, it was a novel before that. Now the novel ( / from Robert Graves is to be...

Crowe joins DiCaprio in Body of Lies

Russell Crowe is set to join Leonardo DiCaprio in the film Body of Lies directed by the visually strong Ridley Scott. The story was adapted by the excellent talents of William Monahan from a novel by David Ignatius ( / The story is about a CIA spy called Roger...

Mann and DiCaprio take on old studios

It's amazing to think that Hollywood is willing to have films made about its shady past. Michael Mann is set to make such a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The film will follow a Private Detective hired by Studios to clean up their star scandals and keep them out of the...

Stalked: Radcliffe's new film and Bates in Mendes' new film

December Boys which marks Daniel Radcliffe first film outside of Harry Potter since he joined the wizard's franchise and Kathy Bates is joining Sam Mendes' Revolutionary Road. Warner Brothers are to distribute December Boys which marks Daniel Radcliffe's first film outside the Harry Potter franchise. The film, according to Variety,...

DiCaprio to join Ridley Scott's CIA tale?

Leonardo DiCaprio is in talks to star in the Ridley Scott directed and William Monohan written, adaptation of the novel Body of Lies from David Ignatius. The novel tells the story of an ex-journalist who has become a CIA agent. He is sent to Amman to work with Jordan's Head...

Scorsese and DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street

Martin Scorsese is set to work on another new film called The Wolf of Wall Street and from accounts he'll be pulling in his oft used actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The story is based on the autobiography of Jordan Belfort, a man who used to be a stockbroker on Wall Street...

Winslet and DiCaprio in classic fifties tale

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet look set to team up together in Revolutionary Road directed by Sam Mendes. The film is based on the 1961 novel by Richard Yates about the disillusionmet after the war. Justin Haythe is writing the screenplay for DreamWorks and Mendes is also producing, along with...

Departed writer adapts another Siu Fai film

Not content with adapting Mak Siu Fai's Infernal Affairs (Filmstalker review) as The Departed (Filmstalker review), William Monahan is set to adapt another of his films, Seung Sing or Confession of Pain. What's more is that Leonardo DiCaprio is set to star. Roy Lee's company has bought the rights to...

DiCaprio to produce and star in Enron thriller

Leonardo Di Caprio is set to produce and star in the adaptation of Conspiracy of Fools by Kurt Eichnwald, the book tells the story of Enron's collapse and the people behind the scenes. Warner Brothers have made a preemptive deal on the book and are negotiating for the final agreement....

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...


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