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Entries tagged with 'The Departed'

Wahlberg says no Departed sequel

Mark Wahlberg may be backing away from his earlier comments on the possibility of a sequel to The Departed (Filmstalker review) as he now suggests that a sequel is not likely. In recent comments he compares it to The Brazilian Job, a film that I thought was going ahead, but...

The Departed criticised by Boston gang survivors

There's another story of film invading on true life today as we hear that various people are unhappy with The Departed (Filmstalker review) and the portrayal of the real life Boston mob boss and his victims. Once again, just like the anti-300 petition story, it's a bit baffling since this...

Infernal Affairs director unhappy with Departed?

The director of the original Infernal Affairs (Filmstalker review) Mak Siu Fai, on which The Departed (Filmstalker review) was based has spoken out about the film winning an Oscar, and although he is pleased that this reflects well on his film, he does have some rather sharp comments to make....

Monahan says no Departed sequel script...yet

William Monahan has put paid to the rumour that he was actually writing a sequel for The Departed (Filmstalker review) in a recent interview. Monahan says that he hasn't been writing the sequel, but he does know exactly where it would go, and it wouldn't follow the sequel and prequel...

Writers Guild announces winners

The Writers Guild of America announced the winners for Best Original Screenplay and Best Adapted Screenplay yesterday. The nominees were already announced last month. Best Original Screenplay was awarded to Little Miss Sunshine, while Best Adapted Screenplay was awarded to The Departed (Filmstalker review) according to Variety through Empire. Who...

Wahlberg tells more of Departed sequels

Previously I wrote about how Mark Wahlberg had said that there was a sequel and a prequel in the works for The Departed and that Robert De Niro was being talked to regarding the sequel. Well now some more information has come out about the proposed sequel, and Wahlberg tells...

Departed double sequel confirmation?

Last month I wrote about The Departed gaining not only a sequel but also a prequel too, well today there seems to be some more weight added to that rumour as an inside source confirms there are going to be two more films. The first story we had was Mark...

Scorsese wins Directors Guild Award for Departed

Well done Martin Scorsese who wins the Directors Guild Award this year for The Departed (Filmstalker review). The film was up against Babel, Dreamgirls, Little Miss Sunshine and The Queen. The full list of nominees can be seen in this previous story. The story comes from Reuters. The big commentary...

More talk on Departed sequel

The news that The Departed (Filmstalker review) is looking at a sequel is not new, and for those of you who read Filmstalker daily you'll now be thinking "I knew that thirteen days ago!" when Mark Wahlberg started talking about a sequel. Now we have word from sources that the...

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...


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