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Entries tagged with 'Robert De Niro'

Dennehy and Leguizamo join De Niro and Pacino

There's casting news out for the Righteous Kill film, which brings Al Pacino and Robert De Niro together again, that makes the film sound far more interesting than the previous news of 50 Cent. Now John Leguizamo, Dan Futterman and currently in talks, Brian Dennehy. If it really gets you...

Gugino joins De Niro and Pacino

Carla Gugino seems to be going up in the world as she is cast next to Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in the film Righteous Kill. Robert De Niro and Al Pacino play cops on the trail of a serial killer while Carla Gugino will be a crime scene...


Film Five Stars

I was expecting the press screening for Stardust to be rather busy but then again it was first thing on a sunday morning and you can expect there to be small audiences in the morning, with those being there sporting hangovers and tales of a few hours sleep. However this...

Scorsese drops out of Frankie Machine?

I think I might have to start a rumour category and confirm or kill them in proper news stories soon as the rumours are just getting rife. The latest is that Martin Scorsese has dropped out of the new gangster film starring Robert De Niro. There's no real reason given...

De Niro to film the rise of Mao

Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal are set to make a film about the rise of Mao Zedong and communism in China from the point of view of one of the only western journalists who was there at the time. The book from Roy Rowan called Chasing the Dragon: A...

Pacino and De Niro film gets release

Finally I have a chance to see Heat that shows the great pairing of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino as I've been given the DVD. Recently we heard that they were teaming up again for another film and this time they are going to be onscreen together for most...

De Niro and Scorsese return on Frankie Machine

Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese are set to team up again for another two films, and the first of those is underway. Entitled Frankie Machine, it is adapted from the book by Don Winslow. The Winter of Frankie Machine ( / is the novel which tells the story...

Martin Campbell to direct 36 Quai des Orfèvres remake

The news that 36 Quai des Orfèvres (Filmstalker review) was being remade was disappointing initially, but then details started to leak out that were quite promising, and now the news that Martin Campbell is set to direct adds to that. Sure, it doesn't dispell all my concerns because the original...

Three Stardust clips online

Friday is trailer day. There are three new TV adverts, commercials, spots, whatever you'd like to call them, online for the Neil Gaiman, Matthew Vaughn directed Stardust. I have to say these, combined with the great trailer they have there, are really selling the film to me. I was keen...

Pacino and De Niro together, so?

Al Pacino and Robert De Niro are teaming up together again. That's the news. Should we all be leaping up and down because of that announcement alone? I hardly think so, especially if we take time to look at the projects in their recent past, and particularly that of De...

Gaiman's Stardust trailer online

The trailer for Neil Gaiman's Stardust directed by Matthew Vaughn is now online, and it looks spectacular. Okay, it is very small, but the characters and effects look wonderful and two in particular caught my eye out of that huge cast list. Robert De Niro no longer looking like his...

De Niro's downward trend - The Little Fockers

Robert De Niro - Mean Streets, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, The Dear Hunter, Once Upon a Time in America, The Mission, Angel Heart, The Untouchables, Goodfellas, Heat, Cop Land, Wag the Dog and Ronin. Why is he now attached to another Focker's film? The third film in the series, The...

Da Vinci's Opus Dei film?

In The Da Vinci Code (Filmstalker review) the religious group Opus Dei got quite a bad reputation, and the group are quite adamant that they are far removed from their portrayal on the film. They are so keen are they to put this right that they are making their own...

The Good Shepherd clips online

Filmstalker has three new clips for The Good Shepherd online, and two show the relationship between Wilson and Clover played by Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie while the other shows us the very dry and dull delivery of General Bill Sullivan played by Robert De Niro himself. I have to...

De Niro talks three Good Shepherds

I already wrote about De Niro wanting a Good Shepherd sequel, mainly because he wanted to do a different time period for the film, rather than filming the story of the conception of the CIA and the character of James Jesus Angleton, he wanted to deal with the time from...

Stalked: Big casting: Horsemen, Fireflies, What Just Happened and Korean Western

Three of Korea's top actors have joined Kim Jee-woon's Korean western The Good, the Bad and the Weird, and there's two announcements of impressive casts for The Horsemen, Fireflies in the Garden, and the Levinson film What Just Happened? The production company announced today that the Korean western that was...

Wahlberg tells more of Departed sequels

Previously I wrote about how Mark Wahlberg had said that there was a sequel and a prequel in the works for The Departed and that Robert De Niro was being talked to regarding the sequel. Well now some more information has come out about the proposed sequel, and Wahlberg tells...

More talk on Departed sequel

The news that The Departed (Filmstalker review) is looking at a sequel is not new, and for those of you who read Filmstalker daily you'll now be thinking "I knew that thirteen days ago!" when Mark Wahlberg started talking about a sequel. Now we have word from sources that the...

Polo returns to Meet the Little Focker

There seems as though there's going to be a third Focker's film as news comes that Teri Polo is set to reprise her role as Ben Stiller's wife in Meet the Little Focker. Oh sweet lord, how long can one joke run? My, I got a surprise looking for pictures...


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