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Entries tagged with 'Ryan Reynolds'

Stalked: Reynolds Adventureland and Garner Ghosts

Jennifer Garner is in talks to join Matthew McConaughey in another romantic comedy called Ghosts of Girlfriends Past while Ryan Reynolds and Kirsten Stewart have joined another romantic comedy called Adventureland....

Download the Audio Commentary for The Nines

John August is rapidly joining my favourite Writer/Director lists, and I haven't even seen his upcoming film The Nines yet, so why am I so interested? Well he's just released a downloadable audio commentary for The Nines way before it's even on DVD, or released in the cinema. The idea...

Flash may be in Justice League film

Ryan Reynolds has been talking about the possibility of Flash in the Justice League of America film that is in pre-production at the moment, although to be honest he doesn't really say that he's going to be in it at all. He does say though that there's a new possibility...

First Nine minutes of The Nines online

The first nine minutes of the new film The Nines is online to view, see what they've done there? The Nines is about a deeply troubled actor who meets a videogame designer and their lives become entwined revealing some very strange things. The film is written and directed by John...

The Nines trailer looks fantastic

The trailer for The Nines just caught me out of nowhere, the film is about an actor who is having trouble with his own identity and place in the world who meets an acclaimed videogame designer and from there on life just gets very, very strange. I didn't really know...

Stalked: Franklin Snitch, Reynolds and Bullock Propose

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are in cheesy Disney romance together, and Carl Franklin will be directing the real life inspired Snitch. I remember reading about this film before, but again I can't actually find it. Carl Franklin is set to direct Snitch, a thriller that follows father whose son...

Stalked: More Fireflies in the Garden and MTV wants your sister

MTV wants to do things with your sister and Fireflies in the Garden grabs even more big names. Ensemble films are in just now and Fireflies in the Garden is the latest to pick up a big cast. Joining today are Willem Dafoe, Hayden Panettiere, Shannon Lucio, Ioan Gruffudd and...

Stalked: Big casting: Horsemen, Fireflies, What Just Happened and Korean Western

Three of Korea's top actors have joined Kim Jee-woon's Korean western The Good, the Bad and the Weird, and there's two announcements of impressive casts for The Horsemen, Fireflies in the Garden, and the Levinson film What Just Happened? The production company announced today that the Korean western that was...

Smokin' Aces

Film Five Stars

There was a lot of hype about this film, not just from the numerous posters that Joe Carnahan has been leaking us from his site, but from the different trailers that we've seen. Those trailers were filled with action, stars, great lines, fast paced editing, and bags of style. The...


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