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Entries tagged with 'Smokin' Aces'

Smokin' Aces sequel approved

Joe Carnahan has revealed that the direct to DVD sequel to Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review) is to be called Smokin Aces: Blowback, and that the script is completed and read by the studio. The good news he has is that the script went down a storm, and it looks like...

You can title Smokin' Aces prequel

Joe Carnahan announced that there was going to be a prequel for Smokin' Aces a little while ago, now he's come up with a cracker of a contest, he's allowing you to pick a title for the film. Yes, you can choose a title for the Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review)...

Smokin' Aces prequel

Joe Carnahan has revealed that he will be making a direct to DVD prequel for Smokin' Aces, and that despite his reluctance he thinks it's a great idea. Universal asked him if he would be interested, presumably off the back of the high DVD figures, and Carnahan hints at a...

Smokin' Aces beats Epic Movie

Joe Carnahan has just broken the news on how well Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review) has done over in the US, and it's good, not only that but revised figures have come through on the battle with Epic Movie, and Joe's rather happy. "14.5 million on 2200 screens...Apparently, the folks over...

Smokin' Aces

Film Five Stars

There was a lot of hype about this film, not just from the numerous posters that Joe Carnahan has been leaking us from his site, but from the different trailers that we've seen. Those trailers were filled with action, stars, great lines, fast paced editing, and bags of style. The...


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