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Entries tagged with 'Ray Liotta'

Liotta and Garcia in drug cartel

Ray Liotta and Esai Morales have signed to La Linea, a crime film which is based on the story of the infamous Arellano Felix drug cartel. Andy Garcia is also in talks to play the role of an ill Kingpin of a Tijuana drug cartel whose violent lieutenant, played by...

Swayze and Kristofferson join Whitaker and Liotta

Patrick Swayze and Kris Kristofferson are teaming up with an already excellent cast in Powder Blue, together with Eddie Redmayne they are joining Forest Whitaker, Jessica Biel and Ray Liotta. Timothy Linh Bui's film tells the story of a group of people who meet on Christmas Eve in Los Angeles...

Stalked: Liotta in Powder Blue and Lohan's Killed Me clips

Ray Liotta has joined the strong cast of Powder Blue, and there are some new clips online for Lyndsay Lohan's I Know Who Killed Me. Ray Liotta is joining Forest Whitaker and Jessica Biel in a film called Powder Blue written and directed by Timothy Linh Bui. The film looks...

Crossing Over tackles U.S. illegal immigration

Crossing Over looks set to have a pretty big cast including Sean Penn, Ray Liotta and Harrison Ford. The film is written and directed by Wayne Kramer, the man who brought us The Cooler and will look into the controversial topic of immigration adn the people who will do anything...

Stalked: Gisele in Angels & Demons, Gooding Jr. and Liotta as Heroes

Cuba Gooding Jr. and Ray Liotta in Hero Wanted and the model Gisele Bündchen could be set for Angels & Demons, the follow up to The Da Vinci Code. According to The Hollywood Reporter through Coming Soon both Cuba Gooding Jr. and Ray Liotta will be starring in a film...

Liotta's Slow Burn trailer online

I've heard a little of Slow Burn in the past, but nothing more than brief snippets, the trailer looks interesting for two reasons, Ray Liotta and LL Cool J...okay, and Jolene Blalock! However it does look like a few other thrillers we've seen to date. Liotta though seems to play...

Liotta replaced on Downloading Nancy?

The confusing casting reports for Downloading Nancy haven't actually stopped, despite hearing that Ray Liotta and Maria Bello had been cast to star in the leads, it seems that the word has changed again and Liotta is out. Instead it could be Jason Patric and Danny Huston with Patric the...

Smokin' Aces

Film Five Stars

There was a lot of hype about this film, not just from the numerous posters that Joe Carnahan has been leaking us from his site, but from the different trailers that we've seen. Those trailers were filled with action, stars, great lines, fast paced editing, and bags of style. The...


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