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Entries tagged with 'Maria Bello'

Cohen's Mummy blog talks Rachel Weisz

Over on Rob Cohen's The Mummy blog he's been addressing the change from Rachel Weisz to Maria Bello, and he's written up really well and, I think, explained the move away. However, it seems in the comments section that someone has revealed that they are removing comments that are overly...

Butterfly on a Wheel trailer online

We recently heard that the Gerard Butler, Pierce Brosnan and Maria Bello starrer Butterfly on a Wheel was renamed to Shattered, but there's been no other word from the film until now, and the reveal of the trailer, and oh my, it's a good one and I have it right...

Rob Cohen blogs The Mummy

Rob Cohen has started blogging about the production of the next in the Mummy franchise, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. The thoughts haven't been positive about this fourth one in the franchise, the fact that it's Rob Cohen directing after the poor performance of Stealth and the news...

Butler Brosnan thriller renamed

I had no idea that the upcoming film Butterfly on a Wheel starring Gerard Butler, Pierce Brosnan and Maria Bello had been renamed. It is now simply called Shattered, or at least in the U.S. it will be. The story sees Gerard Butler and Maria Bello playing a couple whose...

Weisz replaced by Bello on Mummy 3

Surprising news that the character played by Rachel Weisz in The Mummy series is actually to be replaced, previously we'd heard that they were writing her out and the story would concentrate on the father-son relationship. However she is being replaced directly, and by the excellent (and rather alluring) Maria...

Gibson's Payback gets restored

I am a fan of the film Payback with Mel Gibson, it's darker than most of his other films and has a great noir feel to it. However it does have its faults, and it seems they are all to be corrected in a massive Director's Cut which will totally...

Liotta replaced on Downloading Nancy?

The confusing casting reports for Downloading Nancy haven't actually stopped, despite hearing that Ray Liotta and Maria Bello had been cast to star in the leads, it seems that the word has changed again and Liotta is out. Instead it could be Jason Patric and Danny Huston with Patric the...


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