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Entries tagged with 'Sean Penn'

Penn and Damon on Milk biographical film

Both Sean Penn and Matt Damon have been signed up to play leads in the Gus Van Sant film of the 1970's San Francisco politician Harvey Milk. Although it seems that Sean Penn is a definite for the film, with an uncertain start date Matt Damon may not be able...

Sean Penn to voice animated film

Sean Penn will be voicing an animated character for Sony Pictures Classic's Persepolis and joining a cast comprised of Iggy Pop, Gena Rowlands, and Catherine Deneuve (She will reprise her French-language role). The news comes from The Hollywood Reporter through Cinema Blend who shed some light on the actual...

Sean Penn's Into the Wild trailer looks superb

Sean Penn's next directorial outing Into the Wild sounds a most interesting film, and the trailer is now online to show you just that. It looks heartfelt, full of passion and with some great visuals. The story, as I wrote about before, is based on a true one. Sean Penn...

Taps set for remake

More remake news, and another announcement that is set to remake a classic film. Taps was the 1981 comedy set in the Army that really kicked off Tom Cruise, Sean Penn and Timothy Hutton. Yes, you can see where I'm going with this, it's remake time. Taps is a film...

The Untouchables: Capone Rising casts Nicolas Cage

Back in February we heard the rumour that Nicolas Cage was to play Al Capone in the Untouchables prequel, and now that looks to be confirmed, that and the impending destruction of the planet Earth. Yes it's true, the first sign of the apocalypse is here as Nicolas Cage is...

Crossing Over tackles U.S. illegal immigration

Crossing Over looks set to have a pretty big cast including Sean Penn, Ray Liotta and Harrison Ford. The film is written and directed by Wayne Kramer, the man who brought us The Cooler and will look into the controversial topic of immigration adn the people who will do anything...

Nicolas Cage to play Al Capone?

According to reports the prequel to The Untouchables, Al Capone, was to be directed by Antoine Fuqua but he passed that over and Brian De Palma is set to direct (something we heard months ago), and Palma has just announced who he would like to play Capone. Yes you guessed...

Stalked: Big casting: Horsemen, Fireflies, What Just Happened and Korean Western

Three of Korea's top actors have joined Kim Jee-woon's Korean western The Good, the Bad and the Weird, and there's two announcements of impressive casts for The Horsemen, Fireflies in the Garden, and the Levinson film What Just Happened? The production company announced today that the Korean western that was...


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