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Entries tagged with 'Jennifer Garner'

The Kingdom

Film Five Stars

The Kingdom is a film that could be a political hot potato as it looks at a very real terrorist incident on Saudi Arabian soil against U.S. personnel and their families and the FBI pushing the Saudi officials to allow them into their country to investigate the attack and hunt...

Stalked: Reynolds Adventureland and Garner Ghosts

Jennifer Garner is in talks to join Matthew McConaughey in another romantic comedy called Ghosts of Girlfriends Past while Ryan Reynolds and Kirsten Stewart have joined another romantic comedy called Adventureland....

Berg's The Kingdom new trailer online

There's a new trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom online, and it looks superb. This trailer gives a little more away of the story, no spoilers, but plenty to hook you in, and the whole thing looks superbly filmed, and filled with suspense. I was on the edge of my...

Jennifer Garner in Star Trek?!

Okay, another bucket load of salt rumour here, in fact tons again, because Star Trek is soaked with casting rumours and as yet we're not even sure if the script is completely finalised and approved, however. Could Jennifer Garner be set to appear as Spock's love interest? Oh my, these...

Bateman joins Garner for Juno

After seeing Jason Bateman in Smokin' Aces (Filmstalker review) and seeing some of his upcoming serious work I find myself wondering why he and Jennifer Garner are teaming up in a dull sounding coming of age comedy. The film is called Juno and tells the story of the aforementioned Juno,...


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