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Entries tagged with 'Star Trek'

Huge Star Trek plot rumours

There's more rumour about J.J. Abrams Star Trek coming out, and some of it, if true, confirms the previous rumours about the time travelling Spock and Romulans. One thing for sure is that the story is going to be epic. There's also another casting rumour, the rumours for which are...

Another Scot for Scotty?

Paul McGillion is an actor who is probably most recognisable for being in Stargate Atlantis, if you stuck with the Stargate franchise that long, and today the rumours are around the Interflab that he has auditioned for the role of Scotty in the new Star Trek. Instead of being a...

James T. Kirk found for Star Trek?

There's a heavy rumour around that the actor to play James T. Kirk in J.J. Abrams Star Trek has been found, and although there's nothing but those pesky "sources" to go by, it seems as though there are a few of them saying the same thing. With Zachary Quinto cast...

Stalked: Uhura cast and Freeman and Walken team up

So Uhura has been chosen. Zoe Saldana will play the part in J.J. Abrams Star Trek. Well that's good casting, and I think that's all I can find to say about the story. I think we all got a bit burnt out with Star Trek rather quickly. Oh, Saldana is...

Star Trek plot and casting revealed

There are some massive rumours out there just now, some about the casting on the J.J. Abrams Star Trek film, and others about the plot. I have to say that the plot rumours really don't sound like J.J. Abrams at all and if people (i.e. studio executives and fans alike)...

McAvoy Scotty rumours back

The rumours that James McAvoy are to play Scotty in the new Star Trek film from J.J. Abrams have resurfaced again. We previously heard that James McAvoy was up for the Star Trek role, something which he later denied quite strongly. Whether it's the same source as last time or...

Shatner faking Star Trek exclusion?

There's a report of a discussion that William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy had at VegasCon 2007 the other day and it reveals one of two things, either Shatner is comfortable with the idea of not being in Star Trek and is having a laugh about it, or he's in and...

Cruise signs up for Star Trek?

We already heard that Tom Cruise was being approached to star as Christopher Pike, the first Captain of the Enterprise, by the J.J. Abrams crew for the new Star Trek film, but another rumour says that he's actually signed the deal. As usual the rumour comes from a UK tabloid...

Russell Crowe as a Klingon?

There's a rumour circulating that the new Star Trek film is to capture a big name in the role of the main villain, and that big name could be none other than Hollywood baddie Russell Crowe. The rumour says that the Star Trek production is being viewed with hungry and...

Chekov chosen for Star Trek

Yes it appears that Chekov is in Star Trek, despite not being mentioned in the previous casting call, and why is that? Well because he's already been chosen, and the actor is...Anton Yelchin. Some of you might now be asking who that is, I know I was, but you recognise...

Cruise for Star Trek?

Rumour is that Tom Cruise is to be approached for a small role in J.J. Abrams Star Trek as the original Enterprise Captain, Christopher Pike. The rumour is just that, and it is worth pointing out that it states he's just being approached, not that he has been or has...

Stalked: Fahrenheit 451, Get Smart and Star Trek casting

Rumours of Bill Murray in Get Smart and Tom Hanks in Fahrenheit 451, and the casting profiles are out for Star Trek. The news from AICN through Moviehole is that Tom Hanks is set to star in Fahrenheit 451, the Frank Darabont written and directed adaptation of Ray Bradbury's famous...

Television series as films

Can television series make good films even after they've had their run on television? Are the two mediums compatible? Is television actually running ahead of the cinema and producing higher quality content that doesn't need a film adaptation? These are the questions that started spinning around my head when I...

Shatner back in Star Trek?

According to one story, William Shatner will be getting a Star Trek role, although there's nothing further to back up the claim. The story claims that J.J. Abrams said William Shatner would likely have a part in the film, despite rumours, and William Shatner's words live on air, that have...

Star Trek poster and Spocks confirmed

The rumours are confirmed. Leonard Nimoy is to star in the new Star Trek as the old Spock, and the young Spock will be played by Zachary Quinto. When Leonard Nimoy was asked about the casting of Zachary Quinto he said that “it was logical”. You have to laugh. Still,...

Young Spock is found for Star Trek

There have been a few rumours on the real casting for J.J. Abram's Star Trek of late, not the big name cast we heard from before, and these have been quietly bubbling away, until now. It seems that Spock may just have been cast, and I don't mean Leonard Nimoy,...

Damon talks Kirk role in Star Trek

A major piece of news for all you Star Trek fans hoping that the previously rumoured J.J. Abrams cast for the Star Trek prequel film was true. Matt Damon has just announced that he knew nothing of it, that it was just an internet rumour (as if they are any...

Shatner says he's out Nimoy is in new Star Trek

William Shatner has confirmed on air that he's not going to be in the new Star Trek film while his old friend Leonard Nimoy will most definitely be. According to his appearance on Talk Radio, the video for which is over the page, he called Leonard Nimoy and talked about...

Shatner not in new Star Trek

The rumour that William Shatner was not going to be appearing in the new, J.J. Abrams Star Trek film is not a new one. Filmstalker has already covered it here. However it seems there is some truth to it at least. Shatner has posted a video on his ShatnerVision website,...

Is Shatner really mad at Star Trek?

The story that William Shatner is angry that he's not getting a cameo in the new Star Trek film is all over the interflab, and I was holding off commenting on it until something a little more concrete emerged, mainly because the sounds a little odd. Well stars are odd...

More Star Trek casting suggestions

Remember we talked about a good cast for the new Star Trek film from J.J. Abrams? Well another site has been at it and they've picked some of the main characters from a few of the films and TV series to chose possible actors to portray them, and not only...

Stalked: Scotty in space and Evans as The Night Watchman

Scotty's ashes finally make it to space and Chris Evans joins The Night Watchman (not the Watchmen as the Interwebby titles would have you believe). Chris Evans has joined Keanu Reeves and Forest Whitaker aboard the film The Night Watchman. According to Evans through IGN, he plays a good cop...

Abrams reveals Star Trek secret

J.J. Abrams has been talking about the new Star Trek film, and with that he's revealed one of the characters in the film. I have to say his must be a tough job, trying to keep wraps on a story everyone wants to hear about, and keep it quiet for...

Shatner talks Abrams interview

Although we've heard from William Shatner a few times now about his meeting with J.J. Abrams and his crew about the Star Trek film, there's always been an element of jokiness and sidestepping to his comments. Well now he talks about the meeting and his involvement pretty much in all...

Jennifer Garner in Star Trek?!

Okay, another bucket load of salt rumour here, in fact tons again, because Star Trek is soaked with casting rumours and as yet we're not even sure if the script is completely finalised and approved, however. Could Jennifer Garner be set to appear as Spock's love interest? Oh my, these...

Abrams dropped from Star Trek XI?

Apparently a rumour flew out a few days ago that J.J. Abrams was dropped from Star Trek XI and it didn't break, until now. The rumour breaking at Latino Review is that Paramount and Abrams have had quite a disagreement about the film, and that he's either walked or been...


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