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Entries tagged with 'James McAvoy'

McAvoy Scotty rumours back

The rumours that James McAvoy are to play Scotty in the new Star Trek film from J.J. Abrams have resurfaced again. We previously heard that James McAvoy was up for the Star Trek role, something which he later denied quite strongly. Whether it's the same source as last time or...

Mark Millar visits Wanted set

Mark Millar is the man who created the comic series Wanted, the story that is currently being filmed by Timur Bekmambetov and starring James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. Millar has just been talking about his visit to the set, and he's full of positives about the film. He's...

Jolie reveals more Wanted details

I find myself beginning to worry about the film adaptation of Mark Millar's Wanted. When I first heard about the film with James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie, Konstantin Khabensky and now Terrence Stamp, I was excited, especially with Timur Bekmambetov directing. However then we heard his take on the...

Terence Stamp joins Wanted

Terence Stamp has joined the cast of the comic book adaptation Wanted. He joins James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie. Wanted ( / is the story of Wesley Gibson, played by James McAvoy, who is an average joe, well actually he's a bit of a loser. That is...

Wanted Director reveals story changes

Timur Bekmambetov, the Director of the Russian Night Watch trilogy, is currently starting to work on Wanted, the Hollywood version of the Mark Millar comic book, and he's been talking about the film and revealing some very odd details. Wanted is the story of a man who hasn't really amounted...

Atonement trailer in multiple formats

The trailer for Atonement appeared a few days ago, and now we have the trailer in mutiple formats and sizes for you to enjoy. I still think the trailer is confusing and tells you little without the help of an indepth blurb and perhaps having read the novel. However I...

Atonement trailer looks confusing

The trailer for the adaption of Ian McEwan's novel Atonement is online, and you'll hope that you've read the book before seeing it for it's as confusing as anything and just seems to be a series of images, lovely looking images of course. I haven't read the novel and I...

Wanted sequel already?

Talking of comic books, it looks like the fantastic comic book Wanted will be getting a sequel, but in film only, and the first film hasn't even been shot yet. According to the Scottish author Mark Millar, he will never write a sequel, but Universal and the Director, Timur Bekmambetov,...

Shatner and McAvoy talk Star Trek XI

James McAvoy has been rumoured to be connected with the role of Scotty in the new Star Trek film to be directed by J.J. Abrams, currently titled Star Trek XI. Today however, he played down those rumours with comments he's been saying here and there for a few days. "I...

Star Trek XI casting rumours - are these Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu and Scotty?

Rumours they may be, but I have to say that the latest casting gossip for Star Trek XI is looking superb. Imagine these names lined up to play Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Sulu. Stop for a moment, have a look, and realise just how good these guys look for the...

Mark Millar talks Wanted previs

Mark Millar is the superb Scottish talent that created the comic book Wanted, the comic that is being adapted for the big screen by Timur Bekmambetov starring Morgan Freeman and James McAvoy, and he's been talking about the film production and releasing a few details and laying a few seeds...

McAvoy reveals Wanted details

There's an interview with James McAvoy, the Scottish actor who delivered a blistering performance in The Last King of Scotland (Filmstalker review), has revealed a little more about the upcoming comic adaptation of the excellent Wanted from Mark Millar, another Scottish talent. In a recent interview over at Coming Soon,...

Stalked: Wanted date, Cowboy Hanks, Lee not on Game, Arabic Sinbad, Béart in Vinyan, Firehouse Dog

The awful trailer that is Firehouse Dog, Levinson's cowboy film with Hanks, Béart in supernatural thriller, an Arabic Sinbad story, Wanted gets filming and Ang Lee might not be on A Little Game. Let's get the horrible news out of the way first. If you really want to see dead...

The Last King of Scotland

Film Five Stars

You cannot fail to have noticed the press for The Last King of Scotland and the amount of nominations the film is picking up this year. I do think that Forest Whitaker is a clear leader for the Oscar for Best Actor. So I had to see this as soon...


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