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Entries tagged with 'Gillian Anderson'

Stalked: Don't Look Up, Atlas Shrugged, Helen, Soul Code

Hideo Nakata's horror film Don't Look Up (Joyuu-rei) is to be remade by the Director of Dumplings in an English language version (read Hollywood remake). Atlas Shrugged gains a new Writer and Director in one and moves further forward to actually being made. Helen replaces Gillian Anderson with Ashley Judd....

Anderson leaves film for X-Files

Gillian Anderson has pulled out of a film after she discovered that it was set to clash with the new X-Files film, and so X-Files fans that means that the X-Files is definitely on. She was set to star in a smaller film called Helen which is about a professor...

Straightheads R2 DVD release

Verve Pictures have just announced the UK Region 2 release of Straightheads, the film written and directed by Dan Reed and starring Gillian Anderson and Danny Dyer in a very dark thriller. There are some nice additions and the specifications look good. 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen English DD2.0 English Audio Description...

Duchovny reveals X-Files script out next week

So we've heard that X-Files is on from David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and the series producer, now Duchovny is saying that there's going to be a script with him to read next week, and this comes from Chris Carter himself. Back in April we heard that the series Producer, Frank...

Straightheads gets name change and US DVD release

Straightheads is to receive a name change for the US release and it will be heading straight to video according to the Director Dan Reed from his blog. Straightheads, which will be called Closure in the US, is the story of a middle class couple who are brutally attacked one...

Stalked: Butler in kids fantasy and Bridges loses friends

Gerard Butler has signed for another film, this time a kids film, proving he's on one hell of a drive just now, and Jeff Bridges has signed up for How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. Gerard Butler has just signed for The Untouchables: Capone Rising, and now he's set...

Stalked: Anderson talks British films and McGrath makes A Violent Act

Douglas McGrath is writing and will direct the true crime story A Violent Act by Alec Wilkinson and Gillian Anderson has been talking about appearing in small budget British films such as Straightheads. The Writer and Director of Infamous, Douglas McGrath, has revealed his next project, an adaptation of a...

Anderson threatens growing career?

Gillian Anderson is starring in the first English language film from the German Writer and Director Sandra Nettelbeck with her film Helen. Helen tells the story of a successful and talented professor, played by Anderson, who suffers from clinical depression and sees her life fall apart around her. She then...

Anderson talks X-Files sequel

Now Gillian Anderson is saying that this time around it looks like the X-Files sequel is going to get made, although she too confirms that the underlying conspiracy thread of most of the Television series and the first film will not be in the film. "They’re starting to talk about...

Straightheads cast interviews

Straightheads stars Gillian Anderson and Danny Dyer as a couple who are caught in an incredibly violent attack. Through the pain, fear and anger they decide to enact revenge on those that committed the crimes against them, and they go on a dangerous and hateful act of vengeance. The trailer...

Strong Straightheads trailer online

The feature Upcoming British films and Festivals highlighted a film that grabbed my attention immediately, Straightheads starring Gillian Anderson and Danny Dyer. It tells the story of a middle class couple who are brutally attacked by a gang, and afterwards they fall apart and their lives are filled with revenge....

The Last King of Scotland

Film Five Stars

You cannot fail to have noticed the press for The Last King of Scotland and the amount of nominations the film is picking up this year. I do think that Forest Whitaker is a clear leader for the Oscar for Best Actor. So I had to see this as soon...


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