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Entries tagged with 'The Last King of Scotland'

European Film Awards People's Choice nominees

If you didn't know, the European Film Awards People's Choice allows you, the audience, to vote for your favourite films of the year. Of course they get to pick the nominees, but at least you get the choice to vote for the final one. Although it would be great if...

Amin's son found Last King of Scotland degrading

The son of Idi Amin, Jaffar Amin, is continuing to speak out against The Last King of Scotland (Filmstalker review), although he does praise Forest Whitaker's performance, slightly. This could be continuing press for his upcoming book about his father, or it could be more from a single interview where...

Idi Amin's son speaks out

We heard the other day that Idi Amin's son was unhappy with his father's portrayal in The Last King of Scotland (Filmstalker review), now he's spoken out about his father. "I'd ask dad, what happened? He'd look at me and say, 'people fought me, I fought them, but I never...

Amin family split on Whitaker in Last King of Scotland

Forest Whitaker may not be getting all praise for his portrayal of Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland (Filmstalker review), according to reports Amin's son, Taban Amin, is furious that he wasn't consulted before the film was made. He is concerned about his family's reputation and that it...

BAFTA winners announced

So the BAFTA's were announced last night and the new host Jonathon Ross tried to live up to the splendour of Stephen Fry, unfortunately he didn't manage too well and it was only near the end where he got a couple of decent laughs. Still, it was a good night...

Goya and Screen Actors Guild Award winners announced

Volver has won five awards at the Goya Awards ceremony in Madrid taking Best Movie, Best Director and Best Actress. Pan's Labyrinth (Filmstalker review) took seven awards including Best Script and Best New Actress. Other notable winners were Juan Diego for Best Actor in Vete de Mi beating Viggo Mortensen...

Whitaker talks about portraying Idi Amin

Forest Whitaker did an amazing job portraying Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland (Filmstalker review) and we've been hearing how tough he found it to get out of the character afterwards, now he's talked about finding the character in the first place and some of the work he...

The Last King of Scotland

Film Five Stars

You cannot fail to have noticed the press for The Last King of Scotland and the amount of nominations the film is picking up this year. I do think that Forest Whitaker is a clear leader for the Oscar for Best Actor. So I had to see this as soon...


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