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Entries tagged with 'Matthew Michael Carnahan'

The Kingdom

Film Five Stars

The Kingdom is a film that could be a political hot potato as it looks at a very real terrorist incident on Saudi Arabian soil against U.S. personnel and their families and the FBI pushing the Saudi officials to allow them into their country to investigate the attack and hunt...

Carnahan scripting another Zodiac

Matthew Michael Carnahan is working on a new script that tells of another San Francisco serial killer, in this case a group of six serial killers who in the 1970's terrorised the city through twenty three separate attacks. African American men from the Nation of Islam temple began attacking people...

Lions for Lambs trailer in multiple formats

I've just received links to the Lions for Lambs trailer in multiple sizes and formats and I thought I'd share them. Lions for Lambs is the film written by Matthew Michael Carnahan and directed by Robert Redford who also stars alonside Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, Peter Berg, Michael Peña and...

Norton joins Pitt on State of Play

Edward Norton is joining Brad Pitt on the U.S. version of the British series State of Play which is to be directed by Kevin Macdonald and written by Matthew Michael Carnahan. We already knew the news about Brad Pitt, and the teaming up with Norton sounds a superb combination again,...

The Kingdom clips online

Despite missing The Kingdom at the Edinburgh International Film Festival I'm not that bitter. However the next best thing before seeing the film on screen is to catch a few clips of it online, and that's what you can do right now. There are some fourteen clips online for the...

The Kingdom review online

The Kingdom has received a good and very early review online. It seems that the film is a balanced and very real look at terrorism as well as providing strong and believable characters for Americans and Arabs alike. If you can read through some of the shock tactics of the...

Lions For Lambs trailer

Lions For Lambs has a trailer that we can all watch now. Filmstalker brought you the first trailer which was not for the eyes of those outside the USA. But now we can all watch, lucky us. Lions For Lambs is the first picture out of United Artists studio, since...

Berg's The Kingdom new trailer online

There's a new trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom online, and it looks superb. This trailer gives a little more away of the story, no spoilers, but plenty to hook you in, and the whole thing looks superbly filmed, and filled with suspense. I was on the edge of my...

Redford's Lions for Lambs script review online

There's been a review of a script for Lions for Lambs online, and although it's not negative, it's not as strong as we had hoped. Bear in mind though that there's always a strong chance this is an early revision. The script is from Matthew Michael Carnahan (and you all...

Macdonald to direct US State of Play

Kevin Macdonald has signed to direct the US film version of the British mini-series State of Play. The film will star Brad Pitt and has been written by Matthew Michael Carnahan. The US story goes along the lines of a congressman'smistress is killed and a team of investigative reporters work...

L.A. Confidential 2 versus White Jazz

Joe Carnahan has just written about the LA Confidential 2 film on his blog, the sequel to L.A. Confidential. No, not White Jazz, the film he is directing from his brother's script, Matthew Michael Carnahan. No, these are two very different films despite having the same characters. Okay, I'm confused...


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