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Entries tagged with 'Willem Dafoe'

Christensen is Beast of Bataan

Hayden Christensen is to star in Beast of Bataan, the true story of the trial of the Japanese General who was executed for his part in the death of thousands of American and Filipino prisoners of war during a forced march to captivity in 1942, commonly called the Bataan Death...

Trailer for Schrader's The Walker online

Paul Schrader's The Walker has a trailer and a website online. The film is about the society escort Carter Page, otherwise known as a Walker. He walks amongst Washington DC's political elite until a brutal murder occurs and he is implicated. He has to race against time to clear his...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Dafoe and Neill join Hawke on Daybreakers

We already heard that Ethan Hawke was set to play a vampire in Daybreakers, but news is in that Willem Dafoe is to join him as battling vampires. Daybreakers, if you'll remember, had this very intriguing plot line. The story was set in the future where everyone is a vampire...

Clips for Argento, Madsen, Dafoe, Hoskins in Boarding Gate and Go-Go Tales

There are a couple of clips for two films I hadn't heard of until today, films that have a few good names attached to them too. The first is Boarding Gate starring Asia Argento and Michael Madsen which tells the story of an Italian woman living in London that has...

Stalked: More Fireflies in the Garden and MTV wants your sister

MTV wants to do things with your sister and Fireflies in the Garden grabs even more big names. Ensemble films are in just now and Fireflies in the Garden is the latest to pick up a big cast. Joining today are Willem Dafoe, Hayden Panettiere, Shannon Lucio, Ioan Gruffudd and...

Bigelow is still to direct Iraq film

Almost five months ago I had the news that Kathryn Bigelow is set to direct another film after the 2002 film K-19: The Widowmaker. This time she's headed to Iraq for her story in The Hurt Locker, directing such names as Colin Farrell, Charlize Theron, Ralph Fiennes and Willem Dafoe....


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