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Entries tagged with 'Steve Buscemi'

Living in Oblivion

DVD Four Stars

When I first saw the cover for Living in Oblivion I have to admit I was thinking that this wasn't going to be a pretty average film that happened to star some big names at the beginning of their careers. What struck me within minutes was how cleverly written and...

G-Force gains Cage, Buscemi, Nighy, Arnett and Morgan

Well I remember G-Force to have been quite a young crowd, but apparently they're a lot older in the film version as the following names seem to have been picked up for voicing the lead characters in the animated film version of the television series. Nicolas Cage, Steve Buscemi and...

Buscemi in Nanjing saviour story

Steve Buscemi is set to star in another film about the Nanjing massacre. This one is the true story of German businessman John Rabe (Wikipedia) who, despite being a Nazi party member, created a safe area within Nanjing and helped save more than two hundred thousand lives. The Japanese taking...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Delirious trailer with Buscemi, Driver and Gershon

Delirious is a film I haven't really heard of before and that's a surprise since it stars Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt, Minnie Driver, Gina Gershon and even Elvis Costello. Did I already say Minnie Driver and Gina Gershon? Oh boy...that smile... Anyway, where was I? Oh yes the trailer for...

Final Theo van Gogh film by Turturro

Previously it was reported that the third in the Theo Van Gogh trilogy to be remade was to be helmed by Bob Balaban, but now John Turturro is set to direct the final in the trilogy of the murdered Dutch filmmaker. The first film, Interview, was directed by Steve Buscemi...

Stalked: Babylon A.D. delays and Buscemi continues Van Gogh work

Steve Buscemi's Interview is picked up and Vin Diesel's Babylon A.D. resumes after two weeks on hold. Sony Classics has picked up the rights to the film Interview written and directed by Steve Buscemi. The film is a remake of the film by the murdered filmmaker Theo Van Gogh. The...

Miller and Buscemi in Van Gogh's Interview

Sienna Miller and Steve Buscemi are set to star in the Hollywood remake of Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh's Interview, with a remake of the second in his trilogy due soon after by Stanley Tucci. The controversial film maker was murdered by a militant after his films and views...


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