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Entries tagged with 'Patricia Clarkson'

Lars and the Real Girl trailer

Here's a trailer that surprised me. As I was watching the comedy with Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider, Kelli Garner and Patricia Clarkson, I was wondering if something was going to happen and if I was going to start enjoying it, then halfway through something happens and the pathos...

Dennis Hopper in Tarantino’s Hell Ride

Dennis Hopper has confirmed that he's going to star in the next "Quentin Tarantino presents" film Hell Ride. The film comes from the Writer and Director Larry Bishop who will also star alongside Hopper, Michael Madsen and Eric Balfour. It is an old style biking film that is described as...

Final Theo van Gogh film by Turturro

Previously it was reported that the third in the Theo Van Gogh trilogy to be remade was to be helmed by Bob Balaban, but now John Turturro is set to direct the final in the trilogy of the murdered Dutch filmmaker. The first film, Interview, was directed by Steve Buscemi...

Sarsgaard, Hopper and Blondie join Dying Animal

Another Philip Roth novel is heading for adaptation and it could have an interesting cast as Peter Sarsgaard, Dennis Hopper and Deborah Harry are announced as joining the cast. His latest novel for adaptation is The Dying Animal. They join an already impressive cast list of Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley...


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