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Entries tagged with 'Ben Kingsley'

Kinglsey to play Shakespeare on screen

Ben Kingsley is to star as William Shakespeare in an adaptation of the novel Will by Christopher Rush ( / The novel tells the story of the meeting between Shakespeare and his lawyer as the famous author prepares his last will and testament on his death bed....

Anderson's Transsiberian trailer online

There's a trailer for the much awaited Transsiberian film from Brad Anderson and starring Woody Harrelson, Ben Kingsley and Emily Mortimer. Although the trailer doesn't give a completely cohesive look at the story, it does show us that it's going to be a powerful film and powerful performances from the...

Stalked: Kingsley and Janssen in Wackness and Hathaway leads Demme's Dancing

Ben Kingsley and Famke Janssen are joining a comedy called The Wackness about drugs and psychiatry, and Anne Hathaway will star in Dancing With Shiva written by Jenny Lumet and directed by Jonathan Demme. Ben Kingsley, Famke Janssen, Josh Peck, Mary-Kate Olsen, Olivia Thirlby and Method Man have joined the...

You Kill Me clips and eight minutes online

There are some clips online for You Kill Me as well as the first eight minutes of the film, a very uninteresting eight minutes it has to be said. The film sees Ben Kingsley as a hitman whose alcoholism starts affecting his work, so the mob send him away to...

Dennis Hopper in Tarantino’s Hell Ride

Dennis Hopper has confirmed that he's going to star in the next "Quentin Tarantino presents" film Hell Ride. The film comes from the Writer and Director Larry Bishop who will also star alongside Hopper, Michael Madsen and Eric Balfour. It is an old style biking film that is described as...

Kingsley and Leoni in You Kill Me trailer

A trailer for the film You Kill Me has appeared online, that's the story of an alchoholic hitman, played by Ben Kingsley, sent away from the family to sort himself out. While he does he becomes a mortician, and enjoys it, and becomes involved with a woman played by Téa...

Sarsgaard, Hopper and Blondie join Dying Animal

Another Philip Roth novel is heading for adaptation and it could have an interesting cast as Peter Sarsgaard, Dennis Hopper and Deborah Harry are announced as joining the cast. His latest novel for adaptation is The Dying Animal. They join an already impressive cast list of Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley...

Anderson's Transsiberian pictures online

Brad Anderson is the Director of Session 9 and The Machinist and is currently in the midst of Transsiberian, a film about an American couple who are travelling on the Trans-Siberian railway from China to Moscow and become friendly with another travelling couple, and before long their journey becomes filled...

Brand Hauser aka War, Inc. trailer online

If you're a fan of Grosse Pointe Blank then I think this film might just be right up your street. A trailer for John Cusack starrer Brand Hauser or War, Inc. is now online and it's looking superb. It does have the same feel as Pointe Blank, with John and...

Kingsley and Cruz in erotic thriller

Ben Kingsley and Penélope Cruz are set to star as lovers in a film called Elegy, adapted from Philip Roth's novel called The Dying Animal. Kingsley is set to play David Kepesh, a well respected TV culture critic who is also a lecturer at a New York college who finds...


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