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Entries tagged with 'Penélope Cruz'

Stalked: Death Race, Claire Danes, Slipstream, Nines

Natalie Martinez is in talks to join the Death Race 2000 remake in Death Race from Paul W.S. Anderson. She would play the part of Case, the navigator assigned to Jason Statham's character who is planning to escape the death racing circuit. She joins his cause and aides him in...

Sarsgaard, Hopper and Blondie join Dying Animal

Another Philip Roth novel is heading for adaptation and it could have an interesting cast as Peter Sarsgaard, Dennis Hopper and Deborah Harry are announced as joining the cast. His latest novel for adaptation is The Dying Animal. They join an already impressive cast list of Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley...

Fiennes takes Chromophobia to Cuba

Martha Fiennes is set to premiere her new film Chromophobia in Cuba, and while there she and her husband will also be hosting workshops for budding filmmakers. The film is about the issues faced by a rich London family after they sacrific their traditional values such as honesty, loyalty and...

Johansson for Barcelona? Bardem leaves Allen?

It appears that Woody Allen may have happened upon a new muse as word is spreading that Scarlett Johansson may well be cast in Allen's new Barcelona film which I already reported is set to star Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem. Oh, although there's another rumour out today from those...

Kingsley and Cruz in erotic thriller

Ben Kingsley and Penélope Cruz are set to star as lovers in a film called Elegy, adapted from Philip Roth's novel called The Dying Animal. Kingsley is set to play David Kepesh, a well respected TV culture critic who is also a lecturer at a New York college who finds...

Bardem joins Cruz in Allen's Barcelona film

Javier Bardem is set to join Penélope Cruz in Woody Allen's Barcelona film. While he was promoting his new film he confirmed the news that both he and Cruz would be starring. He said that he had talked with Allen by phone but had not yet read the script. The...

Bardem joins Cruz on Allen's Barcelona film

Woody Allen has recruited two big names for his next film, the untitled one set in Barcelona. Penélope Cruz has already signed, and news today is that Javier Bardem has signed for the film. It's growing to be another big name project, and Allen certainly doesn't have any problem gathering...


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