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Entries tagged with 'Dennis Hopper'

Hopper joins Swing Vote

Kevin Costner's latest project has added another great name to its cast. Dennis Hopper has joined the already impressive cast for Swing Vote. In the film Kevin Costner plays a man who's vote in the Presidential Election will decide the winner. Needless to say mass media attention ensues. Costner is...

Hopper signs for Speed 3

Speed was a great fun film, and yet the sequel, Speed 2: Cruise Control, was pretty damn awful, not least because the whole idea of speed was lost on a slow moving cruise ship. Now though word is that there might be a Speed 3, and that Dennis Hopper is...

Dennis Hopper in Tarantino’s Hell Ride

Dennis Hopper has confirmed that he's going to star in the next "Quentin Tarantino presents" film Hell Ride. The film comes from the Writer and Director Larry Bishop who will also star alongside Hopper, Michael Madsen and Eric Balfour. It is an old style biking film that is described as...

Peckinpah's Osterman Weekend gets remade

I just caught the small snippet that the classic Robert Ludlum novel The Osterman Weekend, which was directed to the big screen by the legendary Sam Peckinpah, is to gain a remake. According to a report about an upcoming production slate, The Osterman Weekend has Simon Kinberg making his directorial...

Sarsgaard, Hopper and Blondie join Dying Animal

Another Philip Roth novel is heading for adaptation and it could have an interesting cast as Peter Sarsgaard, Dennis Hopper and Deborah Harry are announced as joining the cast. His latest novel for adaptation is The Dying Animal. They join an already impressive cast list of Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley...

Carradine and Hopper in Forever with Shilpa Shetty!

Wow, how's this for a casting story, David Carradine, Dennis Hopper and Edward Furlong? Carradine and Hopper together sound superb. The film is Forever, a supernatural crime thriller (how many genre's can you get in a single listing?) which tells the story of a young woman who has visions which...

Hopper to star in King's Dolan's Cadillac

Dennis Hopper is in negotiations to take the leading role in a new Stephen King adaptation, this time of a short story called Dolan's Cadillac from his collection Nightmares and Dreamscapes. Hopper is scheduled to play James Dolan who is Las Vegas' most ruthless mob boss and practically untouchable. One...


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