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Entries tagged with 'Emily Mortimer'

Transsiberian trailer

We have a trailer for Transsiberian for you, starring Woody Harrelson and Emily Mortimer. The tourists find themselves unwittingly involved in drug trafficking, and on the wrong side of Ben Kingsley. I haven't heard much about this one, except from Richard mentioning he's off to see it at the Edinburgh...

Stalked: Meyers, Shelter, Martian Manhunter, Shutter Island

Some casting announcements that don't really merit a complete story but are interesting none the less. Jonathan Rhys Meyers joins Julianne Moore in Shelter, the secretive sounding horror film... Martian Manhunter in Justice League of America is cast... Max von Sydow, Emily Mortimer and Jackie Earle Haley join Martin Scorsese's...

Mamet's Redbelt trailer online

David Mamet's film Redbelt has a trailer online, and it's looking rather interesting. The film stars quite an eclectic mix of actors, from the superb Chiwetel Ejiofor to Tim Allen and including other names such as Joe Mantegna and Emily Mortimer. The story is of a top martial arts fighter...

Chaos Theory trailer online

Chaos Theory just came out from nowhere for me today, well that's not entirely true as back in December I wrote about Milo Ventimiglia joining the cast of the film. Then all we heard was that it was a film about a guy whose normally highly organised life is thrown...

Lars and the Real Girl Trailer trailer online

Lars and the Real Girl is a film that perhaps has the strangest premise of just about any film I've seen, but that said it's been getting a lot of praise indeed, and I've just been sent the trailer in multiple formats and sizes. The story follows a young man...

Anderson's Transsiberian trailer online

There's a trailer for the much awaited Transsiberian film from Brad Anderson and starring Woody Harrelson, Ben Kingsley and Emily Mortimer. Although the trailer doesn't give a completely cohesive look at the story, it does show us that it's going to be a powerful film and powerful performances from the...

Lars and the Real Girl trailer

Here's a trailer that surprised me. As I was watching the comedy with Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider, Kelli Garner and Patricia Clarkson, I was wondering if something was going to happen and if I was going to start enjoying it, then halfway through something happens and the pathos...

Pink Panther 2 gets big name cash hunters

One might wonder what is going on with some actors when they chose to sign up to a sequel which had it's first outing critically panned, destroys a great series by a half hearted cash hungry sequel, and stars a once funny comic who is failing to even come close...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Tim Allen in Mamet's Redbelt

Previously we heard that David Mamet's underground fight film Redbelt had cast only Chiwetel Ejiofor, well now there's news of a number of additions, and one of the leads is to be Tim Allen. Now that is a surprise. Not only does it mark a huge step away from the...

Anderson's Transsiberian pictures online

Brad Anderson is the Director of Session 9 and The Machinist and is currently in the midst of Transsiberian, a film about an American couple who are travelling on the Trans-Siberian railway from China to Moscow and become friendly with another travelling couple, and before long their journey becomes filled...


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