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Entries tagged with 'Vincenzo Natali'

Stalked: Depardieu in gangster film and Splice photos

Gerard Depardieu has signed to play a cop in a French gangster film written by a gangster and there are some bizarre looking photos from the production of Splice online....

Natali's Splice gains cast

Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley have been announced as the leads for Vincent Natali's film Splice, which you'll have heard me talking about before. Vincenzo Natali, if you didn't know, wrote and directed Cube and directed the excellent Cypher. Here's the plot of Spliced, which sounds rather interesting....

Brody joins Natali's Splice

A rumour without any source has Adrien Brody joining the next science fiction film from Vincenzo Natali called Splice. The story is about DNA splicing, hence the name. Two scientists are working on human DNA and against all moral, ethical and legal boundaries they splice it with animal DNA and...

Paris Je t’aime

Film Four Stars

Paris Je T'aime sounded a fascinating film, twenty one highly talented directors producing eighteen short films about love, relationships and of course Paris. To add to that there was a host of top rated acting talent lined up for the film. I was mistakenly under the impression that each short...

Natali's Splice revealed in casting calls

Previously I wrote about Splice, the horror coming from Vincenzo Natali who also wrote and directed Cube, today there are a few more details revealed as the casting calls are announced. To recap, the story is about two scientists who ignore all the legal, ethical and moral boundaries and splice...

Natali's live action Splice

Vincenzo Natali is set to bring another science fiction film to the big screen. Not sure who I'm talking about? How about Cube and Cypher? Does that give you a better clue? Natali wrote and directed Cube and directed Cypher and Paris, je t'aime. Currently he's directing High Rise, a...


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