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Entries tagged with 'Kristin Scott Thomas'

Win Tell No One DVD's

Ne le dis à personne, or Tell No One, is an excellent French thriller adapted from the bestseller of Harlan Coben by Guillaume Canet, who also directs, and Philippe Lefebvre. I really enjoyed this film when I saw it, and it provided quite a few surprises as it played out....

Golden Compass casts more headline stars

There have been some big names signed up for the upcoming The Golden Compass film, and it seems that it was more the desire of the studio than of the Director Chris Weitz. According to him he had lined up Nonso Anozie for one of the voice roles, but New...

Trailer for Schrader's The Walker online

Paul Schrader's The Walker has a trailer and a website online. The film is about the society escort Carter Page, otherwise known as a Walker. He walks amongst Washington DC's political elite until a brutal murder occurs and he is implicated. He has to race against time to clear his...

Ne le dis à personne (Tell No One)

Film Four Stars

Ne le dis à personne (Tell No One) is a French film directed by Guillaume Canet who, together with Philippe Lefebvre, adapted the story from the novel by Harlan Coben. The story opens eight years previously, where a group of friends are enjoying a weekend in the country. Margot and...


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