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Entries tagged with 'Mark Wahlberg'

We Own the Night new trailer

We Own the Night is the upcoming film starring Robert Duvall, Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Wahlberg and Eva Mendes, and it looks really powerful. I previously wrote about the trailer as soon as it appeared online, but this one has been recut and is now in Quicktime. The story is of...

Pitt to join Wahlberg in Fighter

Brad Pitt is being touted as close to joining Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter, the film from Darren Aronofsky, and would be replacing the character which was formerly going to be played by Matt Damon. According to scheduling issues Matt Damon can't appear in the film as he just had...

Sommers and Beattie on G.I. Joe

Previously I wrote about Stephen Sommers being considered for the directorial job on the G.I. Joe film and a little while later we heard that he was asking too much money and was off, both rumours of course. Now though we hear that he actually does have the job and...

Lucky Luciano to hit the big screen?

Mob films have been a bit thin on the ground recently, but that could be about to change. The life story of Lucky Luciano is headed to the big screen, adapted from the book “The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano”. Mob boss Luciano co-operated with the writing of the book,...

Jason Statham as Action Man?

Could this be true? Could Jason Statham be taking up the role of Action Man in the G.I. Joe film? After all if they are turning the American soldier action figure into a film, why not add the British one for maximum revenue. Well the insider rumours are suggesting that...

Shyamalan's Happening cast

It seems that the rest of the cast for M. Night Shyamalan's R-rated ecological horror The Happening has been found. Betty Buckley, Robert Bailey Jr., Spencer Breslin, Jeremy Strong, Frank Collison and Victoria Clark are joining the already announced Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, John Leguizamo and Ashlyn Sanchez. The news...

We Own the Night trailer online

Where did this film come from? The trailer for We Own the Night has arrived online, before I even knew the film was out there, and it looks really strong. With the superb Joaquin Phoenix who I can never praise enough, and Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes and the cracking Robert...


Film Three Stars

I was really excited about seeing this film because of Antoine Fuqua. Replacement Killers, Training Day and Tears of the Sun (Filmstalker review) all had me hooked and he has bags of style. Style that appeared in the opening shots of Shooter as the camera swept along the course of...

Wahlberg says no Departed sequel

Mark Wahlberg may be backing away from his earlier comments on the possibility of a sequel to The Departed (Filmstalker review) as he now suggests that a sequel is not likely. In recent comments he compares it to The Brazilian Job, a film that I thought was going ahead, but...

Shyamalan chooses Wahlberg for Happening

It's been confirmed that Mark Wahlberg is in the new M. Night Shyamalan film The Happening, this confirms the rumour we had earlier this month. The Happening is the story of the planet Earth evolving to fight against the disease that is the human race, and with the release of...

Aronofsky to direct The Fighter?

There's a rumour starting about who will be the Director of the Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon starrer The Fighter. The film follows the life of the boxer called "Irish" Micky Ward, played by Wahlberg, a fighter who was doing really well and then suffered a string of defeats. He...

Wahlberg in talks for Shyamalan's Happening?

This is another way early rumour, Mark Wahlberg has apparently been in talks to lead M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening. The Happening was his script that wasn't being picked up by anyone until after a rewrite quick rewrite and it was snapped. It plans to be R rated and will...

Stalked: Slap Shot remake, monster hunting in UK, and more on G.I. Joe

There's a few general stories online today. The Paul Newman starrer Ice Hockey film Slap Shot is up for a remake, a story about drunken monster hunters in the UK is on the go, and it seems Mark Wahlberg is being eyed for the G.I. Joe film. Paul Newman once...

New Shooter clips online

There are five clips from the upcoming Shooter film online. I just saw this trailer again tonight before Outlaw, and it still looks strong. Despite a slight reservation that we're going to be hitting on similar ground, Danny Glover's casting against type and the presence of Antoine Fuqua behind the...

Whalberg leads G.I. Joe film?

Could Mark Wahlberg be set to play the character of Duke in a G.I. Joe film? Well it looks like it, and it's much more than just Wahlberg talking about how nice the role would be. The Producer of Shooter, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, said that they will start working on...

Shooter featurette online with Wahlberg and Fuqua

There's a nice featurette online for the new Antoine Fuqua film Shooter, starring Mark Wahlberg, Danny Glover and Michael Peña. Not only does it have bags of footage from the film but Wahlberg and Fuqua talk about the film a little bit and we hear that it is more character...

Fuqua's Shooter pictures online

There are a few pictures online for the film Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg, Danny Glover, Michael Peña and the rising Rhona Mitra. Directed by the superb Antoine Fuqua it tells the story of a marksman who is living apart from his former life who is persuaded in for one last...

Wahlberg and Damon in Mickey Ward boxing film

Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon are set to return to work together in The Fighter, a film about the life of Irish boxer Mickey Ward and his half-brother who also trained him, Dick Ecklund. Wahlberg is set to play Ward and Damon Ecklund, which I think is rather an interesting...

Wahlberg tells more of Departed sequels

Previously I wrote about how Mark Wahlberg had said that there was a sequel and a prequel in the works for The Departed and that Robert De Niro was being talked to regarding the sequel. Well now some more information has come out about the proposed sequel, and Wahlberg tells...

More talk on Departed sequel

The news that The Departed (Filmstalker review) is looking at a sequel is not new, and for those of you who read Filmstalker daily you'll now be thinking "I knew that thirteen days ago!" when Mark Wahlberg started talking about a sequel. Now we have word from sources that the...

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...


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